sex life with you & deku.

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Truth is Deku is a Sub. No I'm not talking about VilDeku, I'm not talking about Deku's badass side, I'm talking about deku in his regular form. there is no way deku, the man who spends most of his time finding all might and the man who dedicates his life on being a hero have time for being a Dom. When you and deku first meant, he actually noticed he wasn't spending much time with you because he would put super hero work before you and he felt terrible. He doesn't do that with Ill intentions but because he feels as though he has a duty to finish. You will always be in his heart. When you and deku first meant he was a virgin. When you two actually had time to spend time with each other you'd thought that'd be the perfect opportunity to ask deku to have sex with you. Oh & deku isn't even good with girls/boys. If he likes someone or of he's with you he'd be a stuttering mess. He wouldn't be the Dom of the relationship because he tends to hold himself back by being scared to approach you. You'd always be the one to approach deku when it comes to big announcements like this. When you approached deku being the person you are you either hesitated or was straight forward about it. You asked deku if the both of you could try something new and he'd say something along the lines of "A-a-are y-you s-ure baby" "W-we Dont h-Ave to if you really dont want to puppy" "b-ut do you really want to do it with me? " he'll also admit to you that he is a virgin. You won't be surprised at all knowing he has a busy life and he can't approach attractive people if he tried. I would not say deku is a pervert. He always wanted to have sex but the thought wasn't in his mind 24/7. he wouldn't be like denki, not fantasizing about you fucking him, not really watching porn. Deku is definitely one of the "clean minded" characters I'd say. When he agreed to have sex with you he was nervous as fuck. I think deku would be the type to damn near have a panic attack because he is so nervous. Deku would be a "do I do this"? Type of guy. You'll attempt to tell him to lay down but before you could even talk he'll lay down himself and say "w-what next"? "I-s this what you want me to do"? Of course as a virgin he'd be sensitive to touch but when you crawled on top of him and started rubbing his whole body he lost it. Deku will be the type to unintentionally moan like crazy and he'd be embarrassed so he'll cover his mouth. He'll most likely hold on to your arms while your touching him. Then you get to his crotch area and start stroking his cock. Deku would be so into it in that moment he'll sit up a little while you are doing it and just stare at your hands stroking him. This is the moment he got invested and addicted with the things you do to him. He'll analyze certain things you do to him and see which tactic you do to make him cum feels the best. Deku would definitely be the type to talk to you during sex. "T-his feels sooo good" "K-keep doing that to me" "p-uppy". Deku would say your first name ALOT a shit ton of times during when you ride him. Deku loves it when you fuck him facing behind him so he can see your ass bounces up and down around his dick. He'll throw in some "oohs" & "ahhs" from the sight. He'll also get extremely nervous and flustered by it because he isn't use to sex. As you and deku's sex life gets longer and deeper he'll definitely develop some preferences and kinks. He likes the rush of having sex in public. Although he doesn't approach you first when having sex publicly everytime you guys are out he wants you to make a move so bad. Deku has gained a want and need for you to fuck him. When you two were at the mall by a changing room, he hinted at the fact that he wanted to do some nasty stuff in there and you immediately caught on. You tugged on his shirt and pulled him in the changing and started lightly riding him, covering his mouth because you knew he would moan loudly. Deku looks you in the eyes during sex even though he is nervous. deku would love a bold significant other because he is not that way in relationships. Deku would love when you dirty talk him. It'll get him wetter and harder and he whines everytime you do it. I would be extravagant and say deku likes fucking on missions but I want to be as honest as possible. He wouldn't. Only because he takes being a super hero seriously. He wants and would love to do it but he doesn't want to be unprofessional and jeopardize his career. Oh deku would definitely like it rough. I believe he would be a masochist. He likes it when you bite his nipple, roughly suck on his neck, and tell him to take it. He also loves it when your gentle on him. Like when you and deku have shower sex he'd love if your just caressing his wet hair while fucking him. Deku is the type to unintentionally be rough on you. When you let him Dom you to see if he's a good dom he'll stick it in without warning and realize he hurt you a little bit and ask if your ok and that he's sorry. This is when you two first meant. You'd definitely be the better Dom in the relationship. But deku loves it.

All characters aged up.

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