I groan, thumping my head on the wall behind me. "Don't tell me that actually happened? Why the fuck would I want Niall as a dad?"

Louis shrugs. "I would, he's funny."

Zayn nods with a grin. 

I point to Louis. "Okay, but it's not as bad as you snogging off a guy's face in the middle of the club." I shake my head.

Louis' brows crease, hand going to his hip. "And? What about it?"

I shrug. "It was wrong," I blurt out and no, I didn't mean it like that! 

His brows crease further if that's even possible. "What do you mean by 'wrong?'" He uses quotation marks around the word. "You think it's wrong for two guys to kiss?"

I shake my head. "Wh-no! Not in the slightest. It was just not great to see how slobbery that shit was."

He breaks into a grin. "Well, yeah, he wasn't the greatest guy I kissed, to be honest."

Zayn yawns, stretching. "I'm kinda hungry, you guys want to come for food?"

I shake my head. "I can't think of eating." I put my palm to my forehead, the headache getting worse.

Louis comes over, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and hoisting me up to standing. "Come on, Curly, let's get some food in ya, can help that stomach of yours." 

I quickly brush my teeth before I plod my way into the kitchen with Louis and Zayn, sitting at the small kitchen island. I watch Zayn walk over to Anne-Marie's door, knocking gently.

"Darling, you want breakfast?" He calls through the door.

Marie opens it with a weak smile, tying her blue fluffy dressing gown, padding her way into the kitchen. "You alright everyone?"

I shake my head, leaning my head in the crook of my arm on the counter. "I feel like death. I'm never drinking that much again."

She kisses my temple, brushing her hand through my hair. "Aw, poor sweetheart. We've got tonight to get through, yet." 

I groan. "Go on without me," I whine out.

The front door slams open. 

"Cooey!" Niall's loud voice filters into the room. "What's for breakfast?"

"Hey, Ni. If you go grab the ingredients for a fry up, then that's what we can have," Zayn instructs.

Niall groans and I feel his hands on my shoulders. "What's up, Harry?"

"He's hungover," Louis says, a smile in his voice.

Niall huffs. "Well, aren't we all but suck it up. We've got tonight and tomorrow, yet."

Another pair of hands replace Niall's. "Leave him alone, he's not used to it," Liam decides.

"I bet it's his first proper drunken state," Louis chimes.

I lift my head up to glare at them all. How dare they think this is my first club night out? "It's not actually it's my second."

Louis grins at me cockily. "Mm-hmm and when was that and how much did you drink that time?"


"On my eighteenth. I had three shots and one beer." I poke my chin up in the air to try and seem somewhat proud of it, though it's fucking pathetic compared to last nights shenanigans.

"H, last night you had three vodka shots, four body shots, a beer and half of my cocktail..." Liam warily starts. "This is definitely your first proper time. Nothing to be ashamed of, we all had our proper first times."

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now