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My God it's happening.

It's today. 

Today is the day it's happening and my blood pumps through my veins, adrenaline buzzing through every pour but a wave in my stomach rolls over and a heavy weight pushes in my chest. 

I look out the slightly smeared window from yesterday's downpour that has dried up with today's morning sun. The scenery around us, I wouldn't classify as scenery as such, it's just the stretch of motorway with us passing cars and cars over taking us in metallic splashes of colour. There's a few trees that blur into one green and yellow mass whilst we zoom down the motorway, a few puddles splashing up the wheels with a tshh sound. 

"Yellow car," I mumble, pointing out the car with my index finger before bringing the same hand up to brush my curls back. It's getting longer, much longer than I anticipated, reaching just above my shoulders. 

I chew at my bottom lip, leg bouncing absentmindedly.

Mum rests her hand on my knee for a moment, giving it a pat. "Calm yourself down, love," She gently says, blue eyes passing to my own green ones for a moment before looking back onto the road ahead of her. 

I nod, twisting my ring on my right middle finger around, looking down at the movement and enjoying the coolness it gives. 

"I'm just nervous," I admit, looking back out the window to see a red Honda pass with two kids in the back fighting. 

Mum hums, nodding. "I know, sweetheart but this is something you've wanted to do so you should at least be a little bit excited about it too," She reasons. 

"I am! I just... What if the course is too hard or I fall behind? What if my roommates and I don't get along and I can't find a replacement dorm?" I ramble, voice coming out slightly quicker than normal with the nerves snaking through me. I take a deep shuddery breath, letting it out slowly.

Mum turns off to exit nine onto the A34. 

We've been up since five to get on the road to try beat rush hour at eight but we've still been stuck in some traffic, meaning this journey has already taken longer than needed. I never ate breakfast either so my stomach rumbles and I mentally tell it to shut the fuck up.

"Have you thought about the extra curriculum activities you want to do, Harry?" Mum asks, breaking me out of my hunger thoughts. 

I see a service station come into view with the famous golden arches looming overhead. "Can we get a McDonald's?" I ask, motioning with my head to the service station.

Mum passes it and a frown falls across my face. "You have loads of places to go on campus, Harry, you can wait half an hour until we get there. I told you to bring something along for the journey and you didn't."

I suppress an eye roll. "I haven't really thought about it. I don't know if I should have do something sporty to keep me fit because I know I wouldn't exercise if I had the choice. But then and I don't know if I want to go for sport because I might look a fool out there. Maybe just do a book club but then there's the whole doing literature anyway and I'm bound to be reading loads of books anyway," I answer her question from before and mum nods, lips pursed.

"See what there is first. Maybe apply to more than one and give them a try and if you don't like them, drop them and do the one you like most," She suggests, us now going through a town and I watch the shops pass.

I turn up the volume of the stereo, my phone plugged into the AUX chord. I change the song over to a Rolling Stones song. 

"I can't get no, satisfaction," I mumble along, drumming my hand against my lap to the beat, head bopping.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now