Dar'ke chitter laughs at me "Don't worry about Maini this isn't the first time she has put off having a pup due to her research and probably won't be the last!"

I feel a bit more relaxed hearing that. However I do still feel pretty guilty. I would needed to to make it up to all three of them somehow. I felt kinda like I was stealing they're husband away from them.

As I am lost in my thoughts, we enter the air space of the city and head home. We dock at the higher docking station as it was closer to the mates apartments.

I felt a bit nervous to be back. As technically I hadn't been punished from everyone yet and I had gone back in my word to mated with Dar'ke.  I could feel a crimson hue crawl up my neck and into my face with embarrassment.

Dar'ke picked me up in his arms gently as we made our way down the ramp. We were met by Sooni, Maini, Tanomi and all the pups including Lu'Nye.

Sooni came over and stole me from Dar'ke arms in a crushing hug! "Thank Paya you are safe Chris!! Why are lighter then before!?!? Have you not eaten?" She shot a death look at Dar'ke

If on que my stomach rumbled very loudly. Ohhhh Paya please kill me right now....kill Nomi first but please end me now! Is all I can think in my embarrassed state.

Sooni holds me like a pup on her hip. The pups surround us  and we head off to the pups meal hall. I look at Dar'ke as I am being whisked away....


I see Sooni steal Chris away from me. Then the look she sent me was the 'we will be talking later look' I would not be looking forward to that talk. I shake my head and look over to Maini and Tanomi who where talking to one another.

Maini looks over at me, "Dar'ke after Chris has her meal can you bring her by my clinic I need to run some tests on her."

Tanomi then speaks up "That's not fair! You and Sooni have been Hogging The Ooman! I wanna have a chance to really get to know her as well! I wanna know what female Oomans are like too!" She growled at Maini

I knew better then getting between them, however Tanomi was right she had equal rights as a mate as well. "Tanomi tomorrow would you mind taking Chris out to the market place? She needs to have a proper battle outfit when she goes to the council in a few days..." I asked her Sincerely.

Tanomi perks up, nothing in this universe makes her happier the shopping for her or for other females. "Really?? I will get the Ooman all to myself?" Tanomi says excitedly

I already regret my decision but I can't go back on it. " Yes just keep it within a reasonable budget. As I am also upgrading the mother ship as well right now..."

Tanomi was sharpening her mandibles against one another. Oh Paya Sooni is gonna kill me. Is all I could think.

I get a message from Hopper to meet him and Crash outside. So I leave, while Maini and Tanomi head off to the pups dining hall they are arguing who will get to have Chris more in the up coming days.

I chitter to myself only a few more weeks and then I can have Chris all to myself....

Outside I see Hopper and Crash I wave to them.

"Dar'ke you always find some way to mess up the breeding season in some way for us!!! Do you miss us that much???. Thank Paya that we are quick with our own Mates! " Hopper exclaims jokingly. Crash seems to chatter in laughter as well.

It was irritating but they were right. It's been a while since we've had a normal breeding season with our mates. Generally it was never a good time for myself and just wanted to get it over with and get back to space.

"Next season should be better and much calmer. To make sure we will take leave well before the season to come back." I say to them

"DAR'KE you are a good Leader!!!" Hopper Chatters happily

Crash cocks his head to the side questioningly. "Is that really a good idea? " he asks

"I owe it to the clan since I had them help out on a personal manner. I can't do it all the time but next season we can definitely do it" I say confidently

"So....Now that your ex mate has been caught. What's gonna happen now Dar'ke?" Hopper says in a Dry tone.

Female Yautjas where very rarely executed even for the most disturbing and dishonorable actions as a bearer was worth more alive then dead....however Nomi had sealed her own fate.

"Nomi and Chris will battle to the death in combat...as bearer rights over Lu'Nye" I sigh still not happy with that idea

"Wait why bearer rights?" Hopper Asks in a confused tone. I fill them in on what really happened to Krysis and that Lu'Nye was the only surviving pup her and I had.

"That Bitch!! I will kill her for you and  Chris myself!!!" Hopper growls angrily. Crash Nods in agreement.

Its nice to know that my brothers of the hunt have our back. "Hopper as much as I would like you too. This is between Krysis, Chris and Nomi. I don't like this but they have to do this. " I say

"Speaking of Chris where is she? You two are generally attached to one another one way or another..." Hopper says as both Crash and I punch him hard in the arms.

"Dar'ke actually Hopper does have a point ...I wanted to ask her how her bio helmet worked out" Crash points out to me

"Sooni kidnap Chris with the pups and they went to the dining hall to get a meal..." I say remember the look Sooni shot me earlier

Hopper begins to chitter laugh "Did you forget to feed your Ooman again?!?!?"

I look away kinda ashamed.... there really hadn't been time to eat over the last few days......

"Wait Dar'ke your not serious!! You need to look after your Ooman mate!! Oomans need to eat as frequently as pups do! they're small bodies fade away if they don't eat!!!. " Hopper now seriously scolding me

"Hopper drop it, I know I need to there just wasn't any time...." I say growling at him

"Not anytime? Did Chris go into heat? Is she with Pup? Are we gonna have some pups on the ship again?" Hopper says with curiosity in his voice

I sigh "It was something her and I had to deal with...No she wasn't in heat and no pups from Chris, as of yet though." Disappointment in my words could be heard by both Crash and Hopper.

"Ahhhh...well soon Paya will bless you two....hey wait Chris is in the pups Dining hall?" Hopper realizes

"Yeah...we already went over this Hopper. Did you get hit hard in the head by a bad blood?" I asked him

"Well if she went to the hall she is probably gonna share Ooman snacks with the pups and everyone....I mean the pups might feel more comfortable if we were there eating the snacks as well?" Hopper says

He wasn't wrong this was the first real interaction that the pups were having with there now Ooman bearer...Given that pups are often told about the evils and dishonorable actions plus bad behaviors of Oomans, they may be apprehensive around Chris.

However I knew that Hopper just wanted to pig out on Ooman food and the brew. I sigh and waved for them to follow me as we three headed towards the dining hall.

"Yesss!!" Hopper Chittered as we made our way to the dining hall....

Thank you everyone who made it this far I really appreciate all that have been patient with me. I am gonna do my best to do 1-2 chapters a day. Thank you all again!!! ^-^

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