Sora (🫀💔💀)

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"Is everyone safe?" Reed called out to everyone. Sora's heart was practically pounding out of her chest. The battle had only begun, but so many dragons had lost their lives... So many...

"Hey! Look alive! You want to get killed or something?" a MudWing smacked Sora in the side.

"S-sorry! I don't want to be... Killed," Sora stammered, recognizing the MudWing to be General Cobble. She stared at the grey MudWing, his glare throwing every dagger possible at her.

"Okay we are missing a few!" Reed called out. "That's bad... That's pretty bad..." he mumbled to himself.

"Wait... Wait where's Crane?" Umber called from the otherside of the burrow.

"Oh moons!" Reed gasped. "Did she not hear? She could be out there still..."

"There's still others from our troop out there," Cobble reminded with as much kindness as a crocodile bitting your leg off. "So we either leave them to die, or you sorry souls get out there risking your own lives to save your friends."

"I'll go get some from Toadstool's sib group, Umber and Cobble you come with me and get the rest. Sora, Marsh, Quagmire and Lilypad you all stay behind," Reed called out.

Stay behind? Sora thought. Crane was still out there, she had to go find her. What if they can't find her and she gets hurt? What if Crane doesn't make it?

"Move move move!" MudWings pushed by Sora and out of the small burrow, leaving Sora and the rest of the MudWings alone.

"We have to go out there," Quagmire said, her pink-red scales looking duller than usual.

"We can't risk loosing anybody else," Marsh replied.

"But we're nothing but sitting ducks here!" Quagmire argued back. "I don't want to be in here, twiddling my claws, while Jackrabbit is out there dying! I already lost Delta and I don't want Jack to die either..." Quagmire whimpered.

Sora watched as the two dragons argued. Lilypad was in the back of the tunnel crying while the sounds of wingbeats and fire raged on from the outside.

Sora had to do something. She did want Crane or any other dragon to die because she was a coward. While Marsh was busy arguing with Quagmire, Sora did what she thought was the most reckless thing she had ever done.

Go back out.

Sora backed away from the fighting and quickly ran through the tunnel. The wet mud below her talons sloshed and made a terrible squishing noise with every step she took. Sora pressed on though, ignoring every other instinct to run and hide and wish for this war to just end. Eventually, the sounds of roaring grew louder and louder until Sora came out from the burrow.

The battlefield was just as chaotic, now more bodies on the ground. Pools of blood that came from the bodies were tainted by the wet mud. Dragons that Sora barely knew were dead on the ground.

If Sora's heart was almost pounding out of her chest, it may as well gave just busted right out and was vibrating on the ground.

Find Crane, find Crane, Sora repeated to herself, trying to take her mind off of the mindless brutality and chaos around her. Sora saw as other dragons, IceWings and MudWings alike, were laying on the ground, seemingly still alive too. Sora felt intense guilt as she just kept on running past them. It was her job as medic to help others, but now in this moment Crane would most likely need her help at this very second. Every moment she wasted doing something that wasn't helping Crane probably put her closer and closer to death.

Memories of Crane flashed through Sora's mind. The both of them playing, picking out their names, bonding over food, singing and playing music, every memory they had together seemed to just play right in front of Sora as she desperately looked around for her sister.

And that's when she saw it.

She saw Crane fighting an IceWing.

Crane was bleeding from what looked like from every single limb while the IceWing only had a few scratches. The IceWing had a look of pure malice and hatred in her eyes, something Sora had rarely seen before. Sora could only watch in horror as the IceWing quickly jumped and slashed at Crane. She watched as her sister was being mauled by this random dragon, feeling as though she was trapped in ice and barely even able to breathe.

The IceWing quickly jumped back as Crane nearly threw her off and sent her into the mud. Sora saw the IceWing's nostrils begin to tense up. Finally, Sora regained the ability to speak as she made a final call for Crane.

"CRANE! WATCH OUT!" Sora yelled. Crane looked back over to Sora, her concentration broken. Crane's face was full of surprise and fear as Sora realized what she had done.

Before Sora could even mutter another word, the IceWing unleashed a pillar of frostbreath from its mouth, hitting Crane square on the chest.

"NO!" Sora screamed. It as though the world around her went fuzzy and dark as Crane was the only thing she could focus on. Sora charged at Crane, smacking the IceWing with her tail hard in the face and sent her flying across process.

"Crane! Oh my moons! Oh my moons!" Sora repeated. She kneeled down quickly to her sister, feeling nothing but pure panic and terror. All sounds around her blurred together, almost sounding like grass blowing in the breeze on a warn summer's day.

"What are you doing here?" Crane sputtered, clearly in pain.

"Cobble called us all back to the burrow and... You didn't hear..." Sora explained, but her mind thinking of nothing else but of how to save Crane.

"Moons," Crane chuckled. "I could've just came back? Heh..."

"Crane... Stay with me here!" Sora begged.

"I don't think I'm going to make it." Crane admitted, coughing weakly. Sora felt as though everything inside of her was violently ripped out upon hearing those words.

"You will... You WILL!" Sora pleaded.

"Save yourself," Crane said. "Just promise me t-- to just--" Crane cut herself off.

"I love you, Sora," Crane cried. Tears rolled down Crane's face as she began to sob. "I love you all so much..."

"I know... I know..." Sora mumbled as she hugged her sister, her body almost painful to touch from how cold it was. "I love you so much..."

No response.

"Crane? Crane! PLEASE! Crane... STAY WITH ME!" Sora shook Crane's body a bit, trying hoping to find any signs of life.


This isn't real this isn't real, Sora's thoughts screamed amongst the chaos. Other dragons were roaring and screaming, but Sora couldn't hear over her own thoughts and heartbeat. A loud ringing began in her ear, raising her stress and anxieties more and more.

"Please don't go... Please don't go," Sora repeated to herself. She stood up, feeling as though every ounce of joy inside of her had just shriveled up and died. Sora looked around to see the IceWing, Crane's killer, standing there.

"YOU!" Sora yelled. The IceWing stood up and stared at Sora for what felt like forever before flying away.

She's gone, Sora thought to herself before looking back to Crane's body. She didn't even know if she was crying since every other part of her body felt numb. She gently bent down and picked up Crane, holding the limp body across her body as she made her way back.

Crane is dead.

And it's all because of that IceWing.

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