Glorybringer Bad (💔🗯️❗)

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Glory paced around her bedroom, trying to tire herself out. It was yet another long and stressful day, which seemed to be more and more frequent these past few weeks. The NightWings are restless. The RainWings are freaking out over rumors. Nobody around her seems to be competent enough to handle even a simple task. She was the only one really doing anything now. The Rainforest Kingdom was unraveling, and there was little she could do to stop it.

So, naturally, she wasn't exactly able to sleep. For starters, she already found the act of sleeping to be both a waste of time and a great way to let others easily assassinate you. Combined with an overworked and restless mind, there was little she could do to catch any shut-eye.

And here she thought that being queen was just easiest job in the world; that she would have everything at the tip of her claws and could do anything. How foolish she once was. She almost wanted to go back in time somehow just to chew out her younger self.


Speaking of misconceptions her younger self had...

The queen turned around to face her mate, Deathbringer. The King of the Rainforest Kingdom. Her partner in all of this chaos.

"You're feeling okay?" he asked.

"Fine. Just... great, actually," she snarled. "Of course I'm doing 'okay' after all of this. Of course, I'm just walking around because I like it and not because I'm stressed out of my scales over everything. No, not at all. It's not that-"

"I- I think I get it..." Deathbringer sighed. "I don't need you going on tonight, alright? I've got a bit of a migraine."

Glory swallowed whatever snarky and rude reply she wanted to say. She didn't want to argue either. They'd been caught in this cycle for a while now, where they had little good to say to one another. Deathbringer would be out trying to contain the uprising that was happening in the NightWing village while Glory would be doing queenly duties. They'd only meet up at the end of the day, where they'd both be worked up, exhausted, and dreading the next day where everything would repeat.

She sat down. "How was your day?" she inquired, trying to make some small talk.

"Same as usual," he replied. "Patrolling around, hearing word form some spies about new things and whatnot. It's all so... tiring."

"And how is stopping this whole nightmare going?"

He paused. "Not all too well."

She flexed her talons. "Not too much of a surprise."

"It would be better if I was given clearance to just do the raid, you know?" he snapped. "Get this whole thing over with. I hate going around in circles and trying to go about this 'quietly' while the situation just gets worse."

"We can't just barge in head-first. I don't need a massacre on my talons."

"There won't be any fighting, I swear-"

"Will there?" she argued back. "Most of the dragons you're overseeing are chomping at the bit for some action. How do you know that butting in during a meeting won't result in violence? You could contain your own troops, maybe, but what about the NightWings? They've been using their empowered dragonets to see into the future, no? What do you expect will happen?"

"If there is any fighting, we'll be prepared."

"And then what? To everyone else it'll just be useless bloodshed."

"Useless bloodshed that'll result in more lives being saved," he said. "Do you seriously think the lives of a couple violent revolutionaries are worth more than your own tribe? If this keeps building up, this could end much worse for everyone else."

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