Opal's ring is horrific so here (🗯💔)

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Snowfall was pulled out of the visions right before Arctic drew his final breath, feeling intense pain where her chest was and tears rolling down her eyes. The cold of the snow was welcoming, but that feeling didn't last long as Snowfall began to weep once more. She fell to her knees and buried her face in the snow.

"Why me?..." she cried. The IceWing held her talons out as they seemed to flicker between the talons of multiple other dragons. Who is she anymore? She's been so many dragons at this point it's hard to keep track if these thoughts are really hers.

"Snowfall, it's okay..." Lynx tried to comfort.

"Am I even 'Snowfall' anymore?" the IceWing lifted her claws up, inspecting the ring that was causing her all of this pain and trouble. It won't leave her alone. What does it want from her? "I just want to be normal again..."

"Snowfall it's going to be okay... We'll find a way to get it off..." Lynx whispered calmly, pulling Snowfall's head out of the snow. Snowfall could see Lynx moving her mouth, but no words came out. The land around her began to shift and change, the snow and trees surrounding her melting into a blend of colours and swirls. Before she knew it, she was in a new place.

"Are you ready yet?" a voice called impatiently. Snowfall turned around to see that... Thing there. A colourful dragon with hues of purples, blues, and all sorts of colours stood there, staring at her.

"Opal please just--" Snowfall begged.

"I've already given you multiple chances to listen to me," Opal snapped. "You just don't seem to be listening. I'm doing what's best for you."

"By forcing me to... To be like those other dragons? This morning when I woke up I swear I was staring back at... At him." Snowfall spoke breathlessly as memories of being Darkstalker came back to her.

"They are getting more intense to make you appreciate your life more. I want you to be a good queen, Snowfall. All you have to do is listen to me." Opal looked dead into the eyes of Snowfall.

"No, I will never," Snowfall called. "I'm not letting you boss me around. I-- I know what you've done. What do you've done to those past queens. Why that ring was kept down there."

"I'm a changed dragon, snowflake. Those queens were just like you, but I got a little carried away. Now I just want to help you." Opal stepped towards Snowfall. With each stepped it seemed as though Opal was twisting into her mother. The shades of blue and purple lightened into just white as the kind smile of her mother gave Snowfall a warm nostalgic feeling. She felt as though she was at peace, looking at her mother again. Then, she remembered it. It's all a trap. It has always been a trap.

"No, no!" Snowfall cried out. "I'm never going to bow to you. I'm never going to let my kingdom fall into your talons. I'll find a way to get this ring off of my claws or so help me."

What was Glacier suddenly morphed back into Opal. "Such a shame, really." the IceWing said, snapping her claws. Snowfall felt as thought the world around her was fading out as her stomach lurched painfully. Everything was chaos until it all came clear.

"And that's when I told him that I didn't know how to swim!" Eagle laughed. All of the SkyWing and SeaWing guards around Lagoon began to laugh and Lagoon, not wanting to be rude, joined in as well. The party was going wonderfully, everything was at peace.

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