Whirlpool hecking dies (💀🩹❗️)

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"I hear wingbeats..." Sunny mumbled.

"You can? How?" Tsunami joked. "I can barely hear anything over the sounds of the water and those eels."

"Tsunami, did you pay attention at all during Web's classes? SandWings do have the best hearing. Maybe Sunny is on to something." Starflight sassed. Tsunami rolled her eyes; while Starflight was right that she had never really paid attention, she didn't really want to admit it.

"Wait, wait... Guys shut it I can see something over there." Glory pointed towards the entrance and Tsunami squinted at it. She could make out two figures approaching them, no, three.

"What the--" Tsunami thought to herself as the figures revealed themselves one by one. First was Whirlpool, his talons seemingly sticking to the floor with each step like a suction cup. Another was a spear and Anemone following soon after.

"Anemone! Your harness!" Tsunami called out, feeling happy to see her sister finally free for a while.

"Anemone! I had no idea you were capable of such powerful magic! We should tell Queen Blister how accomplished you are. She'll be terribly pleased." Whirlpool smiled, trying to make it seem like nothing was wrong.

"I don't want Blister to know! I don't want to be... Be a weapon!" Anemone yelled, her tone taking Tsunami by surprise. Anemone's voice was full of malice and hatred, as if this was finally her moment to tell Whirlpool everything she thought of him.

"Anemone, you don't know what you're going to do. If I release the Dragonets Of Destiny then Queen Blister will be upset, making your mother angry." Whirlpool tried to convince. Anemone hesitated, seemingly scared of Coral getting mad at her.

"I don't care! Let Tsunami and the others out! Why do you even care so much about following orders anyways?" Anemone questioned, the spear pressing closer to Whirlpool.

Whirlpool chuckled. "So you haven't figured it out? I never cared about you, or the other heirs, or even Coral. I just have one goal, get rid of her and Coral will be so heartbroken over the death of both her husband and daughter that she'll be desperate to marry me."

"Wait... Did... Did you let Gill die?" Tsunami yelled, her claws starting to dig into the stone.

"You really think Scarlet's guard's just found us? I really did underestimate your stupidity, princess." Whirlpool chuckled.

"You... You..." Tsunami tried to say before grief overwhelmed her again. Those... Thoughts came back. Thoughts of how she killed her own father. It was her fault-- no, it wasn't her fault. It was his fault.

"And if Coral didn't love you back?" Anemone hissed.

"Well... I would have a few backup plans..." Whirlpool gazed at Anemone and an unnaturally long smile crept across his face. Tsunami felt absolutely disgusted as more fury came to her. She wanted to grab that slimy dragon and rip him limb from limb.

"You disgusting creep!" Tsunami roared.

"I got to do what I got to do..." Whirlpool shrugged. "And even so, I wouldn't want to marry Anemone or you, the both of you are too problematic. The little one, Auklet was it? She could be much more... Applicable." Whirlpool took a slimy deep breath between the last sentence.

"No! I won't let you!" Anemone said suddenly. The spear, almost involuntarily, lurched forward and pierced the dark green scales of Whirlpool. Whirlpool's body retracted backwards, but a bit too much. The suction cup-like footsteps eventually paused as Whirlpool was dragged backwards by the spear and fell into the pool of eels.

It was a horrific sound. It sounded as though Whirlpool's bones were all crackling and snapping with the sounds of electricity going through them. Light and sparks flew from his body as the blood contaminated the water more and more, slowly turning it red. Whirlpool's eyes for a moment were full of confusion, hate, but even a bit of pleasure as he finally shut them. For a bit, all was still and quiet.

Tsunami looked up to see a horrified face on Anemone as she stepped away a bit. "I-- I didn't-- I killed--" the dragonet stuttered, flabbergasted at the events that just transpired. Tears began to roll down Anemone's face as the floating spear fell into the pool.

"Quickly, out!" Clay called as he pushed out the rest of the Dragonets Of Destiny. Tsunami went through the water towers hesitantly, but made her way through without being shocked by the eels. Once out she ran over to Anemone and wrapped her wings around her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Anemone repeated over and over to Tsunami as she hugged her tighter.

"I should be the one who is sorry, I let you near him for so long..." Tsunami looked back at Whirlpool's body, now sinking in the reddish pool of water.

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