Mastermind oofs (💀💔)

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Hunger. It was all that Mastermind could've felt at that moment. The pestering feeling of quicksand between his talons didn't even seem to register with him anymore as he couldn't even take his mind off of the clawing and scraping feeling in his stomach. It had been weeks, nearly a month since he was last fed; and even then it was just a few pieces of rotting fruit.

"Slowed heart rate," Mastermind thought as he put his talons to his heart. "Impaired vision..." he then thought as he adjusted his glasses, still not letting him see as well. He began to worry about his fate, starving to death. It was common place on the island for NightWings to drop like flies from the lack of food, but Mastermind never expected it to happen to him, especially in a place that was plentiful of food and nutrients. He definitely didn't expect to suffer this fate, after all he did for Battlewinner and Morrorseer.

The hunger kept clawing at him as he could almost feel his soul parting with his mortal body. He was experiencing symptoms of those NightWings who suffered a fate like he was going through currently. "It would be a miracle if I survived till sundown." Mastermind thought to himself. He wanted to try to take his mind off of his impending doom, to try and think of something else. He then thought of something he had always just thought about when in that quicksand, what could've been.

What could've been his life now, what could've been his state of health, what could've been his relationship with his son. That was the main thing he felt... Guilty about, as much as he didn't want to admit it since he valued science over emotions. He always wanted to give a better life for the NightWings and his son in return, but he never stopped to question if what he was doing was right. He felt intense guilt for the RainWings he tested on, feeling horrible now that he was experiencing what they were going through; being forgotten and left to starve. He wanted to live a life where he'd have more than enough food to eat, a comfortable living space, and a nice place to work. He wanted to make his son, no, Starflight happy and imagined scenarios where he'd build things with him. Both of them would've been happy and it was something Mastermind wanted the most with his own father. He just wanted a good family.

Suddenly, his world around him began to blur. He began to panic as he was afraid he was going to die. Then... A voice called out. It was Farsight. He turned around and instead of seeing the same wooden wall, he saw Farsight and Starflight standing in front of a overwhelming amount of white light. He felt happy to see his family, his wife and son. He began to shed a tear of joy as he ran towards them, feeling himself free of the restraints the quicksand placed him in. His world began to go dark, the only light being the one behind Farsight and Starflight. He hugged Farsight and Starflight, crying.

"My son... My beautifal wife..." he sobbed. Both dragons didn't respond, but hugged him back. He then raised his head away from them and held onto Starflight's claws. He faced the light, walking into it and--

Jambu was going around the Rainforest Kingdom, checking up on some of the darts and the two new guards.

"So... All of you are finished with your posts?" Jambu asked.

"Yep." Bamboo nodded.

"Wait... I felt like I was supposed to do something... Oh right!" Glorious said.

"What?" Jambu asked.

"The NightWing prisoner." Glorious explained.

Jambu thought about it for a minute before replying. "I'll go deal with him, you both take a break." he said before flying away. He flew over to the prison cell where Mastermind was kept in, seeing cobwebs and a lot of dust. He then saw Mastermind with his eyes closed in the sand, seemingly asleep.

"Hey there sleepy head." Jambu called out. No response. He saw that Mastermind's stomach was pressing against his ribs and that he had a smile on his face. He wasn't breathing and his body was all limp.

He had passed on, but even so he still had a smile on his face; leaving Jambu to wonder what his last moments of life were life. Perhaps thinking about how happy he was to torture the RainWings

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