Give him ibuprofen (💀🗯🩹🫀)

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Albatross was standing around at the party, trying to distance himself as much as possible from any conversations and especially the live orchestra. It was a diplomatic party he was forced to attend for whatever reason, something he wasn't fond of to begin with. It was all just an excuse for Lagoon to show off the palace and all of his work that she used him for.

That was all he was to her anyways. Just a tool to get her more things. A bigger palace, a stronger army, indestructible scales...

His grip tightened on his chalice as he tried to calm his nerves. It didn't help that he was already agitated by the fact his sister had to bring him along to the party, even after he repeatedly said he didn't want to. She knew this about him. She just wanted to see him upset. No big surprise, she's been doing that to him ever since he crawled out of the egg.

It didn't help that all around him the sound was amplified. After all these years, he finally understood his animus curse. It increased all of the sounds around him, and with it brought a constant ringing that would haunt him. Every enchantment, every spell, pushed him further and further to this point.

Every second of his life was unbearable. Even a small, hushed conversation between two guards in a silent room sounded as though he was standing right beside them and they were borderline yelling.

This party? All of the laughter and the music and the constant noise... It was torture. It was like being subjected to the sound of constant thunderclaps and never being free from the overwhelming booms and cracks. It was borderline indescribable the amount of agony he was in. He wanted to rip his ears off. He knew it would be useless. Somehow, some way the curse would remain.

He would be like this for the rest of his life. It was all her fault. She was the blame for everything.

He didn't bother trying to come up with some sort of excuse to try and relax. He was annoyed. Forced to come to some party that was just a poorly disguised show of how great Lagoon has it. How much she's profited off of his suffering.

He was right to feel angry. He was tired of denying that anymore.

He was just about to take another sip of his drink when he overheard his sister talking. Through the chaotic sea of constant garbled noise, her nasally and overdramatic voice was all he could hear.

"A statue of me, of course," she said. "Why would it be of anybody else?"

The pale SeaWing turned to see that she was talking with two SkyWings. Nobility, he'd assume. He couldn't care to learn any of the attendant's names, they wouldn't bother with him either. Lagoon was displaying his marble fountain, the one with her displayed in a rather underserved grand light. She was triumphantly holding a spear and pointing it upwards to the sky, her eyes made from the finest sapphires he could create using the literal pebbles he was given.

A surge of emotion pulsed through the dragon as he watched her laugh and brag about it all. It was nearly painful just listening to her.

Then, a thought came to him. It wasn't too malicious, just to simply go up and give her a piece of his mind. Wouldn't that be nice? Just to go on over and finally show that he's not some plaything to toss around like nothing.

But, he hesitated. A small, lingering fear held him in place. A voice of reason that begged him not to. Don't do it. She'll just harass you over it. You can't win this fight. Just sit here by the food table and wait for it all to end.

He looked down at his chalice, quietly observing the punch in it. The pink-red blend of watermelons, apples, and raspberries swirled in his cup. He was able to see his reflection from the surface, looking into his own eyes.

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