Wasp dies, again, again (💔🩹🫀💀)

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"And you..." Wasp turned her head towards the left of her, hissing at nothing. "I don't need you anymore! I have control over everything on Pantala!"

Luna backed away slightly, watching as Wasp broke out into maniacal laughter. "The Othermind..."

"You think you're in control, don't you?! DON'T YOU?! I- I'M the one in control here! Don't you DARE try to say other wise!"

Wasp's eyes flickered a small bit, her eyelids twitching. "Oh, don't you try and say that! I know you're powerless without me! Who was the one who gave you EVERYTHING?!"

Wasp's eyes then went blank with fear as she dropped to her knees. With a soft thud, her wings fell limp as her talons quiver and shook.

"What's going on?" Sky whimpered.

"It's killing her," Cricket said.

Luna watched as the dragon shook and wheezed looking as though she was wasting her last few breaths. Luna had always imagined Wasp dying to be a grand event, but looking at how pathetic she looked right now just...

No, she deserves to die. She's nothing but evil. She should suffer.

"Don't kill me... please..." Wasp begged.

And suddenly, she took a sharp inhale.

The next few moments were still, yet full of tension. No dragon dared to talk or even move as they watched Wasp, not knowing if that was her last breath.

"You... I'm free..." Wasp muttered.

It spared her?

Wasp slowly rose back to her talons, steadying herself. "It's gone... It's gone! I'm free! FINALLY!"

Why didn't it kill her? It had the chance to. Does it really like Wasp that much?


"Guys?" Moon spoke loudly, her voice panicked. "I- I think I'm getting a vision. We should run!"

"What's going-" Qibli began.

"SHUT UP!" Wasp screeched. "You, ALL OF YOU! You have all been a thorn in my side for far too long!" Wasp laughed as she scratched her forearm.

"No!" Sundew roared. "You're dying here, now!"

Wasp scratched at her neck a bit. "Do you think you can kill me, Queen Wasp?!" Wasp laughed more, but cut herself off by scratching her scales more and more.

"Ugh! Stop itching!" Wasp yelled at herself. She unsheathed her long black wrist stingers and kept scratching at her body.

"This... isn't normal," Luna said as she backed away more.

"Oh my moons..." Moon whispered. "We should get running! The Othermind is-"

The NightWing's words were cut short as Wasp fell to the floor once more, a deafening thud echoing through the cave.

She was shaking and writhing around violently, like a fish out of water. Her eyes were a milky white as her scales almost seemed to be boiling. Movement was clearly visible underneath her scales, like snakes slitting just under the surface. Her scales bubbled like water boiling in a pot.

Wasp scratched at one of the bubbles on her neck, which burst as soon as she touched it. Green puss exploded from the wound with trace amounts of what looked to be seeds and blood mixed with it.

Wasp shrieked in agony as her eyes turned milky white. She struggled to push herself up as the movement under all of her scales grew more and more intense.

Wasp stretched her arm to the group, almost as though she was begging for help.

"I can see the trees again..." Wasp muttered, her words almost completely silent.

Suddenly, dark green vines erupted from Wasp's stomach as the same happened to her skull. The vines spewed from her throat, completely detaching her bottom jaw in the process. Her milky white eyes fell out onto the floor as they were replaced with green thorns and white flowers.

The Breath of Evil...

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE MOONS?!" Luna cried out.

Wasp's (hopefully) deceased body was having a spasm on the floor as vines came from under her scales and through the open stomach. Blood and puss was pouring out onto ground as the vines began to shift and move.

The vines grew bigger and bigger, looking as thick as the trunks of the trees that one stood in the Poison Jungle. Eight of them came out and slowly began to lift Wasp's body into the air, like legs to a spider.

Some of the vines that fell from Wasp's mouth and couldn't join with the mass just flailed around, some even trying to approach Luna.

"Run! RUN!" Luna screamed at the group. They didn't even wait for this 'transformation' to end.

Their lives were at stake. This was no longer Wasp, it was something entirely else.

The Othermind.

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