Asha protec (🗯🩹💔)

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"And then the princess came home and... And everybody was happy!" Tsunami squeaked.

"Good job Tsunami!" Asha clapped her talons together supportingly.

"Yeah! I'm the best!" Tsunami smiled.

"Can it be my turn? I want to read my story..." Clay mumbled.

"What story is it?" Asha turned her head to the little MudWing.

"I wrote it myself. Clay handed the scroll paper over to Asha.

"No, I helped you." Starflight piped in.

"Oh, sorry Starflight." Clay apologized.

"Mh... It's okay." Starflight perked.

"Hgnn... Can we read later? I want to play now..." Glory huffed.

"Playing is fun!" Sunny bounced, her sail flopping around.

"Clay? Is it okay if you go play with them? I promise we can read later." Asha asked.

"You probably won't, it's nearly training anyways." Kestrel snarled from behind, startling Asha. All of the Dragonets Of Destiny began to back away, Glory in particular turning shades of white.

"You five go play. Stay safe." Asha called. The dragonets all nodded their heads and ran off, Tsunami running to go play in the small steam with Glory and Clay while Sunny and Starflight went to read scrolls.

"How sweet..." Asha cooed to herself.

"They should be training to fight, not playing." Kestrel hissed. Asha turn around to see the crimson red SkyWing, small stacks of smoke coming from her nostrils.

"They're children," Asha explained. "They shouldn't be forced to fight with you all the time. They're only four months old."

"Exactly!" Kestrel pointed to the dragonets. "They need to learn how to fight at a young age. They need to know how to protect themselves when they end this blasted war."

"But your ways of training are kind of..."

"Kind of what?" Kestrel snorted.

"Intense... Glory has been fidgeting in her sleep lately and complaining about nightmares of being ripped apart. Sunny practically cries whenever you get too rough with Clay and Tsunami. I have to go and patch them up with Webs to keep them from getting infected from their cuts."

Kestrel stepped forward, more smoke fuming from her nostrils. "Don't you see? It's my responsibility to test them for this. The RainWing needs to know its place-"

"Her name is Glory and she's practically traumatized by your reckless behaviour."

"She won't be of use to the rest anyways. They're all useless. You saw the MudWing when he first hatched, how to went straight for the SeaWing's neck-"

"That's how MudWings work, Kestrel. Do you know anything about us?" Asha joked, though she still was angry.

"Yes! I do!" Kestrel yelled. "Will you listen to me? I'm trying to get the stupid brats to be prepared for the war so they don't just instantly die!"

"Or is it just an excuse to take your anger out on them-" Asha was cut off when Kestrel swiped at her leg. It wasn't a really deep cut, but it still drew blood. Silence followed for a while as Asha tried to ignore the bleeding, Kestrel's smoke slowly getting less intense until the smoke stopped coming out of her nostrils.

Kestrel sighed. "If it makes you feel better I can hold training off for today."

"Deal." Asha said coldly. Kestrel turned around and walked out of the room and to the Guardian's Den.

Asha heard a small sniffle from behind and turned out to see Sunny and Glory being cuddled by the other dragonets. "I'm sorry..." Asha apologized.

"Does... Does Kestrel really think I'm useless and lazy?" Glory wiped a small tear from her eye. The RainWing's scales were white with a hint of blue dappled across her wings.

Asha didn't respond for a while, not knowing what to say. "She's upset. She's mad at everything for a reason, but that still isn't an excuse for hurting you; hurting you all."

"Thank you Asha..." Clay hugged her. "You're the best..."

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