His warm breath caused my heart to accelerate and warmth filled me. I bit my lip to stop myself from making a sound.

What the hell is wrong with me? And what the hell is wrong with him?

He pulled away and I met his burning gaze. His green eyes were no longer fully green, instead it looked more like an amber colour. He took a step back and let out a cold laugh.

"A fucking human. Weak, pathetic creatures."

His words sent a sudden sharp pain through my chest and I reached out to soothe it.

What was that?

His eyes which had returned to its original colour followed my hand and frowned. He then looked towards Cami who was standing like a statue next to me.

"Take them to the cells." He ordered as he started to walk away.

The men jumped into action as soon as he uttered those words and grabbed both me and Cami.

"Wait!" I yelled out causing Alpha Alessandro to stop in his tracks. "Why are we here?"

It was strange, he didn't utter a word but by his actions I knew what he meant. His eyes met mine then they flickered over to Cami before meeting mine again.

Oh my God, he knew! He knew what we did!

I had to keep my calm and act ignorant. "We haven't done anything, why are we here?"

This time he didn't stop or look back, he continued walking into the house as if he didn't hear a word I said.

I looked at Cami who had tears streaming down her face. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." I whispered as the men pulled us towards the house.

The men dragged us around the back of the large house towards the left-hand side. We were met with a flight of stairs that seemed to lead to some underground place. Cami grabbed onto me as we walked down the stairs and into the dark, cold corridor. All we could hear was our footsteps and mine and Cami's panicked breaths.

It was like a maze, with so many turns. I tired to make a mental note of each turn or anything significant I could see that would help when we tried to escape. It kept my mind off my other frightening thoughts, the ones where I see no hope for us, nothing but darkness and death.

The Alpha must suspect something, he had to or else we wouldn't be here. He doesn't know everything or else we would have been dead. This wasn't the end for us, we could get out of this. Or Cami could get out of this. I had to think and come up with a plan.

We entered a medium sized room that had chains hanging from the wall. Cami let out a scream and I turned to her. "Shh, you're going to be okay. Don't disobey them."

We were trapped, there was no doubt about it but in order to remain in one piece we had to listen to them and do what they say. For now.

The men started to put the chains on our wrists but there was no point they were huge and clearly were not meant for humans and were designed for Werewolves. The cold chains fell from our wrist and the men didn't bother to adjust or find something else to restrain us with. It's as if they knew we had no chance of escaping, regardless of whether we're tied up or not.

They walked out and locked the door behind them, leaving two helpless human girls behind. I ran over to Cami and hugged her as she sobbed into my arms.

"Don't say anything, don't say a word. Nothing at all. I know you're scared but you're going to get out of here. You need to trust me, let me do the talking."

Cami didn't respond instead she continued to cry. "Please Cami, tell me you understand."

"I understand." She gasped out in between her sobs.

"Thank you." I muttered as I clutched onto her even more tightly. "Shh, it's going to be okay."

We stayed like this for what felt like hours, Cami sobs turned into hiccups and slowly she fell asleep on my lap. The concreate floor was ice cold and my body ached from the position I was currently in.

The room was dimly lit and there was no windows or furniture, just some chains and a locked door. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I was trying to remain positive and calm but as the minutes went by my head and heart was filled dread instead.

Alpha Alessandro. There was something about him that I couldn't understand. I was petrified of him, what he could do to Cami and me but I also wanted to see him again. I was going crazy, there was no doubt about it, it's the only way to explain my irrational thoughts.

I thought back to the way his lips grazed my neck and my body was instantly flooded with warm and a tingly feeling. What was that? Why am I feeling like this? This man is going to torture and kill us and all I could think about was how good his lips felt on me.

Why did he do that? Why did he smell me? I had so many questions and no answers.

The sound of the door unlocking and opening filled my ears as I looked up to see who it was. An unfamiliar man stepped inside and looked down at the pair of us.

"Come with me."

I started to shake Cami to wake her up but the man stopped me. "Not the child, just you."

"I'm not leaving her alone." I whispered as I stared at Cami's sleeping face.

"As long as you follow the Alpha's instructions no one will hurt her."

I didn't want to leave Cami alone but what choice did I have? I gently pulled her head off my lap and placed it on the ground slowly, careful not to wake her up.

I got up and grimaced at the sound of my knees cracking from being sat in an uncomfortable position. "Where are we going?"

"The Alpha wants to see you."


A/N: Hey guys, I posted a message earlier explaining why I have been away for a bit. Long story short, I got Covid, sort of recovered from it and then fell ill again. The doctors said I had (and still have) 'long covid' and for a while I was very ill. I am thankfully feeling a lot better now and can go about my day without too much of a struggle. As I am feeling a lot better I will be uploading again :) I did stop uploading on Patreon too (too ill to do anything) but I have started uploading again so if you want to read ahead you can do on www.patreon.com/kayy_b there are currently 31 chapters on Patreon and I will be uploading twice this week :)

I hope you guys liked this chapter

Let me know what you think of the Alpha so far! What do you think is going to happen next?

Thank you to everyone for being patient and for your supportive and encouraging comments. I really appreciate it!

-Kayy xx

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