Book 6: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"She doesn't need to know," Draco stated, breathing heavily still as he rested his arm on the silk pillows, relieved slightly at the cool smooth surface. "And neither does Finley—"

"You're dumber than I found you to be," Blaise frowned, "She's not that dense."

"I know," Draco pursed his lips, "but it would be better if she stays out of it."

Both knew what Finley could do, she was smart, and was strong enough on her own. With just one look she could tell what Draco was going through, and the blond boy wouldn't deny it at all. But her life being in peril once again, it was something he didn't like and so here he was twenty-four seven, resisting the painful effects on his dark mark. He had tried to very remedy in the book and whatever he did do was the same result, him receiving double the pain.

A punishment of his father failing his duties as the dark lord's right hand man, the pain coursing through his body was that reminder.

"Will you be waiting for her to get back?" Blaise asks him only to receive a no under his breath. "What do you have planned now?" He asks Draco again.

"I don't know," the blond boy replied as he stares at nothing, clenching and unclenching his fists, tolerating the pain once again.

Sure enough she would give herself the satisfaction in smacking the living shit out of Harry for rebelling in the time where there were literal murderers after him, it would've been okay if he was just going to Ron's or Hermione's or Mirelle's if she so graciously takes him in. But no, he decided to take the train and wander around, and if not for the necklace she gave him in their fourth year she wouldn't have known where he was.

Finally catching sight of that half blind brother of her's who was making an absolute fool out of himself in front of a waitress. 'Merlin's sake,' she thought as Harry almost made the mistake of spitting out his water.

Walking inside the half empty bistro, two old women playing on one side, an old man napping on the other. Harry Potter making a fool out himself in front of a waitress, she walks ahead.

"Pleasure to finally see you," she sarcastically smiles at her brother who sputtered as well as calling himself a fool in front of the waitress.

"Finn," Harry blinked in surprise, he clearly wasn't expecting her to appear out of no where, even if he did send her an owl. He wasn't really sure if she would get it or not. "What are you doing here?"

"You called for me remember?" Finley hummed, sitting down on the chair in front of him, glancing at the waitress who looked to be intimidated by her presence.

"Hi, can I have some coffee please? And a bagel," she tells the waitress, placing a paper bill on the table. "The rest is yours," she says with a smile. Not that it helped, Finley looked like an outright bitch for interrupting Harry's chance of a summer fling, not that it was an appropriate time. But when the waitress just stared at her in a slightly offended look, as if she momentarily forgot that she was working, Finley cleared her throat. "Can you please hurry? I'd like to have a fine chat with my 'brother," she smiled before turning back to Harry who gave the waitress a sheepish look.

Once the waitress went ahead leaving the two, Finley proceeded to flick Harry's forehead, right on his scar to be more specific. Causing the boy to wince in immediate pain before glaring at his sister who glared at him. "What was that for?" Harry complained trying to ease his forehead.

"You promised me that you wouldn't wander around, what do you think I would do once I see you 'not' at the Dursley's, hm? Be grateful that Petunia's son was stupid enough to drink the veritaserum—"

"You went to the Dursley's?"

"Well how else am I suppose to know where my vagabond brother wanders off to?" Finley exclaimed before checking for nosy patrons. "Certainly not in that waitress' pants that's for sure."

"Finley!" Harry blushed in a furious red colour, shaming Ron's ginger hair or his sister's dyed hair last school year. He sheepishly turns towards the counter where the waitress continued to her work, catching his gaze and eventually waving at him. Waving back he turns to glare at his sister whom he had not seen since they got off the train at King's cross before the summer break. It was brilliant to know that Finley still had that frustrating sense of embarrassing him in front of girls wherever he went, even more annoying to see that she didn't seem sorry at all.

"Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to disappear and comeback before the train leave on the first?"

"With that tone I assume you forgot about the note you sent me," raised her brow at him, laying down a note that she got from an owl. Harry picks it up with confusion, raising it up to inspect the piece pf parchment, it certainly did look like his hand writing but he didn't even recall writing it. He hasn't seen Hedwig since he had Hermione take care of her for the summer. "I didn't write this," Harry informs his sister who's brows furrowed in the same confusion he had.

"Then who did?" Finley frowns, slumping against her seat as she dug in her mind who would have sent the note to her. Meanwhile Harry glanced up towards the window just as the train passed by, catching sight of a familiar figure.

"What?" Finley snaps him out, turning towards the direction her brother was facing, her jaw clenching as she sees who it was.

'What does he want now?'

I know... story is a bit too different from how I staged it the last time. I hope you like it though!

Your opinions are always welcome in the comments.

With all love,

Miss SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now