Book 6: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Then tell me, what's happened while I was gone," she frowns, taking note of the jinx and the fear that Theo and Blaise had in their eyes when she almost mentioned his name. Though she didn't feel ready to find out the truth, she needed to know how bad the war was going so far. "The whole truth."

"We can't," Theo tells her, "if we do then everyone else will be in danger," he tells her. Grabbing hold of Finley's hand that were still cold, he firmly squeezes it. "But if you look in my head, maybe you'll find the answers."

"Theo—" Blaise hissed, pulling away Theo's hand from Finley sensing the anger from Blaise that almost made Finley flinch. "Are you out of your fucking rocker?"

"They're memories—"

"What makes you think that it's safe for her to see them?"

"It's no problem—"

"If You know who got into your head once, what makes you think he can't do it again?" Blaise snapped, it was the answer that Finley needed. Heart heavy, defeated she was she hated how she couldn't prevent her best friend's fate in the war. "So you joined him," Finley bitterly says as she looked down on her hands.

"We didn't have a choice," Theo tells her, lifting up his sleeves to show the mark as it all felt too real for Finley. Theo didn't suit the mark, she expected him to be the type to tattoo a dumb latin swear word and have any gullible dumbass to read it wherever he went. But the Theo who was showing the mark he had on his arm was not the Theo she grew up with and loved like a real brother. "Neither did he."

Draco. He didn't have a choice, she knew that he didn't have a choice in this the moment his father was sent to Azkaban.

"What has Harry said about this?" She asked them, hoping her brother was aware of what her house was going through, the look on their faces tensed once more. "We can't risk you know who knowing where he was hiding," Blaise explained, hiding Theo's mark. "It's like what we said, he can get in our heads as often as he wanted, we can't risk it."

"Then I should go," she tells them, "I'll tell Harry what's going on, I'll conjure a plan to get you all out of this—"

"Then what will happen to our families?" Blaise mentions causing Finley to pause. "My mum may be a powerful witch, but Italy is not immune to the dark lord's clutches," he explained.

"I sent my mum to America to be with her sisters, and as far as I know they worship the dark lord as much over there than they do here," Theo explained, it wasn't just the dark lord coming after them, he going after those who oppose him. Forcing his army to side with him due to their weakness, the Dark Lord has successfully tied the snakes to a pole.

She wished she could do something, anything, but unfortunately her hands were tied with something she was tasked to do for the order. She wants to tell them, but after what they revealed she no longer could without being compromised, it was like she was in the middle of a trap that if she chose either side, the other would perish.

'So this is what they meant,' she thought in her head, holding onto the bottle of rum tightly. As much as she didn't want to choose, this was a clear indication that he needed to.

'Which side are should I take?' She thought to herself.

"You don't have to choose Finley," Theo tells her, placing both hands on her shoulders, "We'll protect you and your stupid brother," he tells her as a small reassuring smile crept onto his lips.

'But who will protect you?' She thought to herself. These weren't the same care free boys she grew up with, they all changed the moment the pink sick toad had tortured them into submission. She regretted that moment, she should've been with them, she should've protected them.

"I'll get more rum,"Blaise excused himself, walking out the room, both Theo and Finley following the handsome boy's exiting figure from the living room to the hall leaving both Theo and Finley alone. And yet the moment Finley looked back at Theo, he was still staring at the empty door way that Blaise walked out of.

"He's devastated Finley," Theo starts, catching Finley's attention. "He might not show it, but he didn't want this to happen," he sadly says as he turned back to her showing her his glassy eyes with unshed tears. "No one wanted this, and yet here we are."

"If there's anything I could do Theo, please tell me," she tell her best friend as she cupped his face caressing his cold cheeks. "I want to help you, all of you."

"But you can't."

"I can—"

"You. Can't. Finley," Theo snapped as he jerked away from Finley into a ragged sigh. "Everything that's happening right now? It's just the beginning, we need to pick a side—"

"Even when that side isn't right?" She frowns.

"I want to keep my family safe," he tells her. "That includes you," he tells her softly. "I don't want to see my best friend laying dead again."

"And you won't," she tells him, biting her inner lip knowing that she was promising herself and not just him. "We'll get through it."

"Hopefully we do," Theo tells her as he looks back at the door way where Blaise emerges once more holding three bottles of a familiar golden mixture.

"Look what I've found," he grinned, handing Finley one bottle, the sweet taste of Pixie Brew filled her taste buds. "The memories," Finley grinned having the three of the reminisce the simpler times.

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