As we drove out the huge black gates, three Range Rovers trailed behind us.

The all black shit is giving me criminal vibes. But it's hella cool.

The whole ride I avoided looking at him, I just stared out the window as the thick forest looking area slowly disappeared revealing civilization.

Ha, he probably thought he'd catch me staring at him. Then he'd say some corny shit like ' it's rude to stare ' or 'do you like what you see '.

Knowing the little I do about him he'd probably yell 'get your fucking eyes eyes off me bitch' or some other derogatory shit.

Fucking Squidward.

As we pulled into the parking lot, those three black Range Rovers did too and the doors opened revealing big men in suits. Enzo was one of them.

Luciano said something to him in their language and he nodded before leading me into the restaurant.

He walked before me this time as I trailed behind him. Looking around trying to observe my surroundings I saw people shrinking in their seats as he passed them.

Glad I'm not the only one scared.

Ha, they didn't piss themselves though.

You don't know that.

A waiter greeted Luciano and led him to God knows where. I just followed staring at the rude man's ass.

He got a nice tight ass.

Bro you lacking again.

When I shifted my gaze back to the two, we were in a private room with a private table.

He likes to eat in private.


He likes to eat privates.

"Please take a seat someone will be right with you." The waiter said and Luciano sat.

He probably noticed how ungentlemanly the jackass was so he held the chair for me to sit.

"Thank You." I smiled warmly at him, genuinely appreciative.

"You're welcome miss." He blushed, staring at my face a little too long.

He was interrupted by Squidward's fingers tapping against the table in a rhythmic manner.

"Uhm... sorry." He squeaked, his face flushing a bright pink. Luciano just stared blankly at him.

"Ma'am." He smiled sweetly dismissing himself. "Sir." His voice was blank in addressing Luciano ass he scurried away.

Such a nice guy.

I looked up from the menu, written in a completely different language just to see Squidward's fuming face.

I wonder what's his problem.

Looking back down I tried to make out something on the menu. In the peripherals of my vision I saw him get up from his seat and made his way towards me.

Even when he stood directly over me I didn't dare to look up.

He stood there for a few seconds until I felt him grip my chair, hauling it towards his.

Talk about Samson.

He placed the chair and I right beside his and I started freaking the fuck out.

He's going to sit beside us. So damn close.

Fuck he sat down.

I panicked as he reached towards the champagne in a bucket on the table.

Maybe he's going to hit us over the head with it. I don't know.

I don't trust him.

He poured a glass and handed it to me.

"I can't drink." I stated handing it back.

"You're in Italy." He just commented before pouring himself a glass.

What does that mean.

Just drink the shit bitch.

Anything to calm my nerves. I finished the glass in three huge gulps.

I kinda taste good. Fizzy and all.

I reached for the bottle and poured another glass. Luciano only raised a brow, but didn't stop me.

Just like the first it was done in three gulps. Squidward was just staring at me dumbfounded.

All of a sudden I'm feeling really thirsty.

As I reached for the bottle again a female voice caught our attention.

"Good evening Mr. Romano it's good to see you again." She squeaked sounding way too damn happy. He smirked at her and they started having a conversation.

That's none of your business. Take another drink bitch.

And I did. I reached for the bottle to pour a little more in my glass but decided against it.

I just put the bottle to my head. The two were too busy chatting to see what was going on and within a flash everything in the bottle was gone.

Gently I put it back like nothing happened and sat there until I felt my eyes trying to shut.

I blinked it away.

What the fuck.

Something began crawling up my throat. Something big.

I tried to keep it down but I couldn't. It just came out.

"Brrrrrrrrppppp." I little longish burp escaped me and I giggled covering my mouth.

I fucking giggled.

Suddenly both their gazes shifted towards me.

There you go. Always making yourself the center of fucking attention.








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