"You two are cute.

"Thank you."

Troian arrived back at the apartment with everyone's coffee and change of clothes the same time Lucy came back out of the bedroom.

I stared at Lucy in awe. Although she wasn't wearing anything special, just a pair of skinny jeans, her 'I heart Mr Fitz' t-shirt, an unbuttoned black woollen sweater and black lace up shoes, she still looked stunning.

"Wow." I stuttered.

"Wow what?" Lucy asked.


"Why? I look like this everyday." she said.

"And you look beautiful everyday.

 Lucy tilted her head to the ground, but looked up at me occasionally with blushing cheeks. 

"Here's your coffee." Troian said whilst handing me my cup.

"Thank you."

Troian then gave everyone else their coffee and change of clothes. Shay and Ashley ran into separate rooms to get changed but Troian sat down on the couch beside Lucy, who had sat down next to me after getting her coffee from Troian.

It didn't take long for Ashley and Shay to get dressed, we were out the apartment by five past seven, giving us twenty five minutes to get to set. The drive to set only takes about ten or fifteen minutes, depending on traffic. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic so it only took ten minutes to get to work and we had fifteen minutes to ourselves before we had hair and makeup.

"Where do you want to meet for lunch?" I asked Lucy before we got out of the car.

"Outside her dressing room." Troian answered.

"Outside your dressing room?" I asked Lucy.

"Outside my dressing room." Lucy confirmed with a smile on her face.

I smiled back at her then tilted her chin towards me and pecked her on the lips. As I was pulling away Lucy pulled my face closer to hers and kissed me again. 

"Okay, guys, I don't mean to take you away from your little moment, but look over there." Shay interrupted us.

"Over where?" Lucy asked.

Shay nodded her head in the direction of one of the fans used to create wind in the show. I looked closer and it as if someone was hiding behind the fan.

"Is that Adam?" Ashley whispered.

"We'll find out." Lucy said.

She started walking towards the fan but I grabbed her hand to stop her going any closer.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm going to see if it's Adam." she answered fearlessly.

"That's a very bad idea."

"No. I can't keep living in fear of him. I can't let him hurt any one of you guys." she replied.

"Fine, but let us come with you." Ashley suggested.

"If you insist." she answered.

And with that, we all headed in the direction of that fan. Sure enough, Adam was hiding behind it.

"What are you doing here?" Lucy asked him.

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