Chapter Twenty Four

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Ian's POV

Lucy is now six months pregnant, and we've started shopping for baby things.

So far, we've already bought two cribs, both white painted oak, but they're not exactly the same. The covers and stuffed animals of one of the cribs are a baby pink color, and the other crib has baby blue.

We also already have a twin size stroller and some of the essentials.

Just now, we're out shopping for clothes, books and other baby toys for our two unborn angels.

"Ian!" Lucy gasped.

I turned around from looking at cute outfits to look at my pregnant girlfriend.

"Yes, my love? Are you alright?" I replied as I rushed to her side frantically.

"Yes, I'm alright." She started. "I'm sorry that I worried you."

"Don't apologise, it's alright." I reassured her.

"I just wanted to show you this and ask for your opinion on it."

Lucy held up an adorable pink baby dress, designed like a princess dress, with a small tiara.

"It's so beautiful." I answered honestly.

"It gets better!" Lucy squealed.

She then held up another baby outfit, this time it was designed as a prince's attire.

"It's prefect, babe." I told her truthfully.

"Should we get them?" Lucy asked me.

"Of course we should."

Lucy smiled at me then put both of the outfits in the shopping cart that was nearly full already, although we've only been in the store for about twenty five minutes.

I go to the outfits that I was looking at.

The outfits were for newborns and they were designed like sheep. They were both white and had matching hats with the ears. The middle of the ears on one of the hats were pink and the ears on the other were blue.

"Goose?" I said softly.

"Yeah, babe?" Lucy asked, looking at more outfits.

"Look at these."

Lucy turned around to look at the sheep costumes. As soon as she saw them, she let out a loud and high pitched screech.

"Ian, they're so cute." She squealed.

I smiled at my girlfriend's reaction to the sheep costumes.

"Put them in the cart." Lucy demanded sweetly.

I added the outfits to the cart and went to look for other things.

We already had a lot of twin outfits in the cart.

Lucy's favourite was a set of outfits designed as Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.

There is also an adorable cowboy and cowgirl outfit.

When I turned back around to see how Lucy was getting on with her searching, she wasn't there.

"Lucy?" I half-shouted with a panicked tone in my voice.

She didn't reply so I called her name again, louder this time.

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