Chapter 18 - You're The Disgusting One

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The headman quickly spoke up, “No, we’re not done with you quite yet. Take your seats, boys.” Niall grumbled but complied, me following his lead.

“So you’re saying that the public has gone into a frenzy for a few months simply because you, Liam, couldn’t accept that you had to hide your relationship and you, Niall, didn’t fight for Liam when he left you?”

We nodded, sharing an anxious glance. We weren’t exactly off to a good start here.

“This is exactly why I was against any of you dating other members of the band in the first place!” He fumed. “I was always out-voted, but I knew this would happen. There was bound to be jealousy and controversy involved, whether it came up between the other two or you, apparently. It’s just too risky to have people who have to work together for extended periods of time and live together be in a relationship! Did any of you ever think about what would happen if you were to split up? What would happen to the band then, boys?

“Exactly what’s been happening, that’s what! If you two were so troublesome the first time, what makes you think you’ll be any better the second time around? You’ve basically just proved that whatever’s going on won’t work and you’ll end up breaking One Direction,” he ranted.

A man beside him cautiously raised his hand, and he was granted approval to speak. “For the record, Tom, you did agree to Louis and Harry’s situation. You only cared about the money they would earn us if they dated, so why are you so against Liam and Niall? It’s not all that different, and the fans would support them just as much as ‘Larry’,” he points out.

“Because we can’t have four member of the world’s hottest boy band that are GAY, that’s why! They’re disgusting and it’s hard enough for me to deal with the other two, but at least they’re making me a good sum of money. These two? All I can foresee with them is crashing, burning, disgust, and bankruptcy.”

Everyone else in the room stared at the man, Tom, in shock. I whipped my head around to find Niall full on glaring at him, and I took that as my cue to do the same. Slowly, more and more of the members of management gave him disapproving expressions. It took a good five minutes of silence for Tom to catch on, and at that point Simon was so angry I was expecting steam to come misting out of his ears.

“Get out,” he requested menacingly.

Tom’s face paled. “No, I’m sorry, sir, you know I don’t really believe that-“

“I said. Get. Out.” Simon ignored his pleading, advancing until the man was forced to fall to his knees and crawl backward to avoid being trampled.

“Please, just give me another chance!”

Simon’s face hardened further and I flinched, thinking he would punch the man at his feet. Instead, he reached down to grip his tie, pulling him up by the accessory until they were eye-to-eye.

“If I ever, and I mean ever, hear you say anything like that again,” he began, “I will personally find you a reason to end up homeless and poor. All you care about is the money, not these boys’ emotions! How could you even think of doing such a thing to young, innocent people in love? Just because they both happen to be male doesn’t mean there’s a need to be intolerant.”

I smiled as I watched Simon defending the four of us in the band who weren’t exactly straight, feeling a swelling of pride in my heart. Without looking away fro the scene, I grabbed Niall’s hand and he squeezed back tightly.

By this point, Simon had managed to drag Tom to the door. “If anything, I’d say you are the disgusting one,” he stated calmly before tossing him into the hallway and locking the door behind him, ignoring the pounding that began. He picked up his radio that was meant for him to allow visitors in. “Hey, Rachel, can you come back to the large meeting room? Yes, the one with Liam and Niall currently in it. Could you be so kind as to escort the man banging on the door out, take his identification and company credentials fro him, and remind him that he is no longer welcome here by the orders of Simon Cowell? Yes, thank you, love.”

A smattering of applause broke out, Niall and I clapping the loudest of anyone as he turned back around to face the meeting. I couldn’t believe that the man I’d been so afraid to come out to only days before had just stood up for me and my boyfriend and our ability to tell the world our news. Smiling, I stood to hug him, Niall having the same idea.

It was a group hug between the three of us, and I didn’t even have the mind to be jealous that someone else was hugging my Niall the way I always did. I was so happy that we could finally be together, and that the problematic member of management was gone. I could feel a permanent grin stretching across my face.

“Niall,” I breathed, pulling away and searching for his arm so I could yank him back as well. “We did it, love. We can be together, and so can Louis and Harry. And Danielle can be our friend!”

Nobody else in the meeting spoke out against our relationship after that fiasco, and so it was determined that an interview would be held for us two days later that would be broadcast on almost every network worldwide. This interview would be the official coming out of four members of One Direction and announcement of ‘Niam’ being real.

“Thank you, Liam,” Niall smiled up at me as we left the office late that afternoon.

“For what?” I frowned. “I was the one who split up with you and tried to get together with Danielle, and I was the one who insisted we come out properly this time and caused all this mess. All I’ve done is cause you trouble, Nialler,” I sighed.

“But you’re still here,” he whispered. I raised an eyebrow at him, confused. “Even though all that may have happened, you stuck with me at the end. You didn’t ever really give up on our love, and you came back when I needed you. You stood by my side today at that meeting and you’ll be at my side in two days when we’re broadcasted live, and I’m almost positive you’ll stay that way forever. That’s all I need, Liam. It’s all that I want. You’re everything in my life. You’re my best friend, my boyfriend, and my love. You’re in my past, present, and future. I love you so much, Li-Li,” he finished.

There were tears pooling in my eyes, but he pulled my body closer to his and wiped them away. “We’re finally getting our happy ending, just like the fairy tales. Like Toy Story,” I smirked. “Oh gosh, I’m being such a sap.”

“I love you,” Niall repeated, kissing me gently but making sure the touch was full of emotion.

“I love you too,” I responded happily, pulling him inside to tell the other boys the great news.

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