As I am thinking I feel Dar'ke slip a hand under my shirt and gently rake his claws against my skin down to my buttocks. Where he was almost able to palm both cheeks in one hand. Not gonna lie it felt really nice.

I look at him and smile giving him a kiss on his neck. I try to wiggle away again but his grip holds firm. I end up straddling his sides. "Good morning Dar'ke did you sleep well?" I purred at him with my best cat impression.

"I did indeed Chris it's been a while since I have been able to sleep like that..." Dar'ke chittered at me

"That's great! Ummm Dar'ke I need to talk to you about a few things....would you mind letting me go?" I ask blushing a bit as I see his heated gaze  looking at me.

"You can talk from there Chris, we share a bed there is no letting you go now" he growls at me playfully

What a cheeky Space cat. Still straddling his sides  I am able to lock his hands into mine. I bring his hands close to my face  and I kiss each one of his calloused fingers. The skin was rough against my lips. But knowing these were the hands that would help guide everyone to a better future. I would put my full trust in Dar'ke.

"Dar'ke when we were in the tree I had a dream and I was able to talk to Krysis..." I feel Dar'ke hands grip mine tighter. Not to the point that it was hurting but to the point I know I can't escape.

"She told me what really happened that day on the ship. Well actually she shared the memory with me to be exact....Now I know this is not easy to hear about but I need you to remain calm as you can till I finish. If you can do that you can request me to do anything you wish...understand?"

"....I understand Chris. But I am not letting go" he says to me huskily

"Before the ship was raided Krysis had gotten word that Nomi had lost her unborn pup due to training accident on the homeworld when she had been training with Sooni..." I saw Dar'ke playfully mood drain from his face. A grim expression was taking over its place. I figure he was starting to put two and two together. However I had to get this out.

"Krysis knew you were going to be on mission for a while longer and decided to wait till you got back to let you know. As that would give you an excuse to not be mates with Nomi any longer..." Dar'ke hands were now starting to shake and I feel his claws biting into the back of my hands and wrists.

"However Nomi knew that Krysis was still with child. She and a few of her former clan mates were the ones that planned the attack. Nomi was the one who cut the pup out of Krysis's stomach. She has been raising it as her own. I was told that I needed to get a blood sample to prove that the pup belongs to you and Krysis..." I gasped in pain as I feel the bones in my hands getting crushed by Dar'ke hands. His eyes are glazed over in pure rage.

With tears in my eyes I continued " Krysis told me not tell you cause you would probably go in berserker mode and end up killing Nomi. If you did that you would be named a BadBlood. She doesn't want that for you and neither do I!"

I gasped in pain as Dar'ke releases my hands and suddenly sits up and bear hugs me burying his face into my frizzy hair "I am sorry Chris!! I didn't mean to hurt you"

I feel my hands begin to heal the sickening sound of the bones popping back into place was worse then the pain. I wrap my arms around Dar'ke and kiss his chest right above where I think his heart is.

"I am already healed don't worry about it Dar'ke. However are you going to be okay as I continue?"I genuinely ask him

He nods and holds me close I am on his lap now.

"Since Sooni is generally in charge of training the pups I will need her help to obtain the blood sample to make sure. Maini can run the tests or you can have it sent to an independent lab. But for this to work I need to accepted by all of them as your mate. I know I can win over Sooni and Maini quickly. But the issue will be with Tanomi and Nomi especially Nomi when she smells Krysis's scent on me." I say flatly

Dar'ke pulls back and brushes the hair away from my face "what are you planning to do?"

I grin "I am gonna play a game with them called 2 truths and a lie. It's an Ooman game. Where you are mostly truthful and the others must guess the lie. So when we go to meet them I will greet them like I am Krysis. Letting them know I share a body with the Ooman named Chris. I will talk in the commanding manner that Krysis use to with them. With that tone I will restructure the mates. Sooni number 1 Maini number 2 switching Nomi to number 3 and Tanomi to number 4. And if they accept me I will be a token Mate number 5."

Dar'ke growled at me "You will be number 1!!"

"Maybe in the future Dar'ke, but for now...this is how it will work. Since we will be there during the breeding season you need to spend as much time as you can with Sooni and Maini.  While giving false hope to Nomi that you will mate with her this season..." I said as confidently as a I could

"I don't like this Chris...I really don't. Honestly just the thought of touching Nomi brings such disgust and rage I am not sure if I can pull it off..." Dar'ke said to me in a gruff voice

"Think of this as the female revenge, as Krysis's revenge against that bitch!! To build her up and then make her lose everything including her life as payment for her crimes..." I state as I lean up to nuzzle Dar'ke neck.

Dar'ke point of view

I nodded but I wasn't happy but I  would go along with it.

Holding Chris in my arms I could feel her warmth through the thin material which she was wearing. Right now I didn't want to think...."Chris I want my reward now..." I say to her huskily...

Thank you everyone for reading just a heads up there is going to be a lemon added on to this chapter as a .5 add on if you are not into that please skip to the next chapter. Thank you!!! ^-^

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