Chapter 43 ~ The Sickness

Start from the beginning

It was quiet in the room for a moment, save for Kai's heavy breathing. It took me only a minute to make a mental decision before I jumped to my feet and vanished out of the bathroom. Like a whirlwind, I blew around the cabin, grabbing everything that was ours and throwing it into our suitcases.

"Mickie?" Kai's voice called to me from where he remained on the bathroom floor. "What are you doing?"

"Packing," I replied simply. "We're leaving right now to see Jo. She's the only one who can do anything for you."

His groans echoed through the wall as he attempted to push himself off the ground. "Let me help-"

Flashing back to the doorway of the bathroom, I glared at him. "No," I snapped. "You stay in front of that toilet and try not to die for at least, I don't know, five minutes? Can you give me five minutes to put everything in the car?"

"No promises," Kai replied teasingly, though incredibly weak. Emphasising his words, he vomited again.

Flinching, I hurried to continue with the task at hand, gulping down my own nausea. "Shit," I hissed under my breath as I tossed the black slip dress into my case. For once, I felt completely useless as Kai stood at death's door, not even my blood being able to heal him this time. I could lose him for good if I wasn't careful. I needed to be faster.

Five minutes later everything was finally packed away in the car as promised, the only things to be left out were some clothes for Kai and I to get changed into. Rushing back into the bathroom, I helped Kai get to his feet, letting him lean on me for support as I pulled some pants up his legs, fastening the button before tugging a T-shirt onto his torso. Half-carrying-half-dragging him, I managed to get him into the passenger's seat of the car, handing him a trash can for him to chuck his insides up into. No time for a shower, I swiftly pulled on some sweatpants, remaining in Kai's loose tee as I eventually closed the front door of the cabin, turning my back on it for the final time to hop in the driver's seat.

"I feel like I'm being dragged into my grave by my colon," Kai groaned, resting his head back as he sank lower in his seat.

Starting the ignition, I took a calming breath before stepping on the gas, speeding away from the cabin. "We'll get you fixed," I assured him with the most confident tone I could muster. "Don't worry."

"Yeah, no worries. I just need to convince my sister who absolutely hates my guts to save my life," Kai commented sarcastically, though it seemed to take all of his strength. "Sure thing. Piece of cake." Suddenly hurling himself forward, he vomited into the trash can, the sound and smell making it hard for me to concentrate on driving.

"Maybe you should save your energy for throwing up instead of talking?" I teased, raising a brow as I glanced over to my right at his fragile form.

Spitting out the remnants of the blood in his mouth, Kai barked a sarcastic laugh, unable to raise his head. "Hilarious."

Patting his leg sympathetically, I sighed, my heart breaking more and more the longer he was suffering. It was a nice relief when he finally managed to relax enough to drift off to sleep for an hour. I kept the air-con on full blast, noticing his T-shirt and forehead drenched with sweat as he continued to burn up. I allowed the radio to play songs - some of his favourite - softly in the background, hoping it would make him feel peaceful.

His peace was interrupted an hour away from home, his stomach beginning to make that strange noise again. Immediately waking up, Kai curled his body over the trash can as he puked heavily, the most amount of blood I'd seen from him so far.

I winced, pulling out my phone with trembling fingers. "Do you think Jo will answer at 6am?"

Kai shrugged, groaning slightly as he turned over in his seat to press his forehead against the window for something cool to come into contact with.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now