"Do you know where Harry is?" He quickly spews out after the sound of my headphones hitting the table breaks the silence.

I stare up at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No idea" I state, which is truthful. He'd most likely be at his apartment, but who knows.

"Well he's ignoring me and he's avoiding me. But I need to talk to him" Zayn speaks out with a sigh. His tone leads me to believe that he doesn't believe me, making me huff.

"Zayn, I don't know where he is" I state, speaking each word firmly and at a slower pace to emphasize that I'm being truthful. 

He just turns his head to the side, a stressed look on his face as his leg begins bouncing.

"Do you know where he might be?" 

"Look. He clearly doesn't want to talk right now, so it's probably best to leave him alone. You and I both know he wouldn't take you just showing up out of nowhere fondly. It would just piss him off more" I explain with a sigh, reaching my arm forward to take a comforting sip of my warm drink.

I don't know why I'm giving him advice, but the slight distressed look on his face makes me pity him a bit.

"Can you tell him I want to talk so at least he's aware" Zayn speaks out defeated, sounding as if the words pained him to say. He hates that he's asking me for help regarding his friend. I can tell.

"I can't" 

I'm getting tired of this conversation already.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"None of your business" I deflect quickly, before he has a chance to respond I speak again,

"Don't you have anything better to do? Like, I don't know, invading one of your other friends personal lives? Or talking about situations that you have no place to speak on?" I snap, hating that the person sitting in front of me is just bringing up the memories of the past week and a half.

His confused expression still stays on his face, he seems a bit taken aback by my statement. Must sting when someone finally lays out the truth for you without sugar coating it.

I just shake my head before shutting my laptop, and begin packing up my bag. I stand up throwing the straps over my shoulders, grabbing my paper cup off the table without one glance to Zayn.

"I gotta go" I mumble, before I'm heading off to the parking garage.

So much for trying to be productive, thanks Zayn.

I know I should've just told him to leave me alone, he probably would have eventually. But like I said earlier he's just a reminder of why my life is currently a mess. My emotions are already as fragile as a damn butterfly wing so I'm not testing my limits.

I wish I could just go back in time to when Harry and I had no issues, the blissful honeymoon phase.


My brain suddenly clicks and I'm pulling out my phone, swiftly opening my notes app. 

This is the idea that stands out among all the others. A screenwrite involving the butterfly effect. It's essentially about the idea of if you went back in time, even the littlest changes made to the past can have a huge effect on the future. I played a video game about it once. One of my favorite thrillers loosley has to do with it too. If you've ever seen the Final Destination movies you'll know what I'm talking about.

I may not have the luxury of going back in time, but at least I can give my character the ability. But I already know the ending is going to be sad, things play out how they originally did for a reason. That's my philosophy anyways, you can't mess with the past. No matter how hard you may want to or wish to.

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