Chapter 56

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Anna's POV
I woke up without Katelyn in the bed. Her phone was still here so she must have not gone out yet.

I got up to see Katelyn in the kitchen.

"Morning..." she said.

I looked and she was cooking breakfast. Bacon and eggs it was her favorite.

"I got Starbucks." She mumbled pointing at the counter.

"How do you feel?" I asked speaking up.

She shrugged and kept cooking.

"Hey stop..." I said standing behind her.

I made her stop cooking and turned her around. The cut on her face was showing and her bruised eye being swollen.

I brushed my thumb over her wounds while she flinched a little.

"Hey it's okay..." I whispered.

It took her awhile to get use to my cold hands but she warmed up to it.

I trialed my finger and held her waist.

"Do you... still... feel safe with me?" I asked softly.

She didn't answer me she just stared in my eyes. Knowing the answer already I just wanted to hear her say it if it's true.

"Kate..." I whispered.

She leaned up and connected our lips. Wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me down a little to get full of access.

She stopped to attend to the food that was about to burn.

Once she got the stuff out of the plate I didn't move at all.

She turned around and I felt those eyes again. They were light hazel but second s later turning dark brown.

I put my hands on her waist has she rested her head on chest.

"I feel... safer than anyone else... but." She said.

"It's gonna take awhile... to get the voices... out of my head..." she said.

I knew what she was talking about. My words were probably repeating over and over in her head.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered..

"It's okay... you were on drugs." She mumbled.

"Yeah but you were right... they wouldn't have came into my mind the first place. Katelyn I love you and I always will. Don't listen to me if I ever get mad..." I said and she nodded.

She wrapped her arms back around my neck while she put her head in my neck.

We interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked opening the door.

A guy in a police uniform was standing impatiently.

"Hello sorry we're looking for Katelyn Gray. Due to vandalism on Ashley Jones." The officer said.

"Wait what?" Katelyn spoke up.

"Vandalism on Ashley Jones. She reported her house being vandalized and her car as well." He said.

"I never went to Ashley's house." She replied.

"These say different." He said handing us photos.

It was a picture of her car saying asshole and fuck you. Her house being covered with eggs and TP and a spray painted word saying Revenge.

"Sir I never did this." Katelyn said.

"Hands behind your back. We will sort this out at the station." He said.

She did as he told not wanting to make anymore things hard.

"Anna? What are you do-" Lola saying cutting herself off.

"Shit! Why is she getting arrested?" Lola yelled.

"Apparently someone vandalized Ashley and blamed Kate." I said getting my sweatshirt.

"Oh god..." Madison said.

"What? Why- No... you did this?!" I yelled and they both slightly nodded.

"Don't get mad at Lola... I forced into this... and the old soccer team..." Madison said.

"Oh god." I said running out to my car.

We arrived at the police station.

"Sir I need to talk with Katelyn Gray." I said at the officer.

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Sign here." He said giving me a clip board.


"Kate..." I said.

"Turns out... Lola and Madison vandalized Ashley's house." I said and she was surprised.

"I'll find a way to bail you out and-" I was saying before she cut me off.

"Don't... I need to get Ashley back into Psych so she can leave us alone." She said.

"I have evidence, and so do you." She said and I looked at her confused.

"Yesterday I was at the den... and she came by. She threatened me and than well... you know." She said.

"I have it all on camera." She said as I sighed a relief.

"Two ways I have it on camera when she attacked you too." She said and I nodded.

"Go to the Den and find the camera. Give the police the evidence and I think we can be okay. If this doesn't work out then we can just use money to bail me out." She said.


I did whats she said and it was true. She had a hidden camera in the front entrance and inside.

I guess no more sex in the Den...

I went back to the police and gave them the chip.

"Bring her in." The police said seeing Ashley in handcuffs.

"You still vandalized. You have a fine to pay but you... yeah Your a total psychopath your going to the psych hospital." The police said has Katelyn was walking out.

"Jesus the cell was nasty." she said making me laugh.

I hugged her and she actually hugged back.

"Jesus Katie I'm so sorry." Lola said.

"It's fine. Just tell me next time?" She said and they nodded.

"I haven't ate something and you guys made me get pulled away from my breakfast so your buying me food." Kate said and Lola nodded.


Soooo in order for this book to continue I need you guys to vote for which one.

I've had this idea in my head and I think it would be a really great thing to put in the book.

But I can't choose which one to come first.

1. Should I do movie and then tragic

2. Or tragic and then movie

Tragic is something physically tragic happens and the movie is gonna be just where they make a movie.

Please vote or this book is probably gonna fall apart if I don't plan it soon

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