Chapter 14

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Anna's POV
I woke up in a really really good mood for some reason.

I got dressed and ate breakfast with my parents. I hugged Emma and Tommy goodbye before leaving.

I drove to school and waited for Katelyn to get here.

I saw Lola waiting by Katelyn's locker.

"Hey is Kate here?" I asked and she shook her head.

"She's never been this late." Lola frowned.

"Oh..." I said.

Me and Lola waited for another hour and the bell had rang.

We started texting her but no response.

"She prolly has a doctor appointment she forgot." Lola said.

"Text me if she comes in!" She said going to her class.

I went to class and waited. I got anxious and my leg bounced up and down.

"And that is how-" the teacher got interrupted.

Katelyn had walked in. She went right passed him.

"GRAY! Your late!" He yelled.

She stopped and was still in front of the class. What her response was surprised me.

"And?" She said.

"You wanna go to the principal?!" He yelled.

I could tell Katelyn got really annoyed at what she said.

"Sure if you have the guts to send me to him." She said and he got really mad at her.

"PRINCIPAL NOW!" He yelled.

She walked to the door but leaned on it.

"Oh I'll tell him about your little secret that you have going on." She said and the entire class went ooohhhh.

His eyes widen. She started to walk out but he yelled.

"FINE! Stay in the class! Just stop running your mouth!" He yelled.

She rolled her eyes. Walked passed him sitting down next to me.

"That was bold..." I whispered.

She looked at me and her eyes were complete dark brown. They looked black but she if you look closely they were dark brown.

"I know." She said as she drank from her water bottle.

For some reason she kept drinking from her bottle and it concerned me but I didn't stop her.

It's just water she prolly really thirsty or something.

Once the bell rung Katelyn walked out fast as she went to her locker immediately.

I texted Lola and she was relieved. She said that we would meet up with her after 3rd period.

Something tells me that Katelyn is off. She would never speak to a teacher like that.

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