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Easily jealous- doesn't like anyone looking at you for more than 1 second. Will most likely beat them the hell up if they talk to you. Gets jealous when even Draken glances at you.


Overprotective- Doesn't let you go to certain parts of town or talk to certain people. If he doesn't like one of your friends he'll block them from your phone and delete their number.


Controlling- doesn't let you wear certain things out of the house, doesn't let you talk to certain friends or people, etc etc. Doesn't want you surrounded by the wrong people, thinks of you as an innocent conscience that should remain that way. Doesn't want anyone corrupting you.


Obsessive and unstable- do I have to explain? Well okay. Takes any form of attention (like glances) as affection and signs of love. Constantly wants to be involved with you and almost stalker-like. Tries to know every aspect of your life and doesn't like secrets. Casually goes into your phone and makes sure you aren't talking to any other male. Breaks down and has episodes when criticized for his habits, loses it if he feels like you dislike him.


Clingy- Doesn't leave your side in public and at home. You laying down? So is he. You cooking? He's next to you helping. Gotta pee? Okay, he's leaning against the door waiting for you.


Crazy- Will set a house on fire if you ever try to leave him. Has life 360 on your phone to make sure you aren't seeing his brother or anyone else. You hide knives if he's in a bad mood about you being around his brother. He'd kill anyone if you asked him to. He really doesn't like you near Nahoya, knowing how he likes you. He'd do anything for you and would never hurt you. You hide the knives so he won't hurt Smiley or himself...


Nonchalant- USED TO BE Too nonchalant about everything, even things he genuinely cares about. He's afraid to show you too much emotion, knowing how bad you are with emotions. But his nonchalant attitude towards you hurts most of the time, even turning over and not touching you after sex when you first got together.


Overbearing- basically a parent. He'd make an amazing dad, considering he acts like your mom already. Reminds you to eat healthily, always tries to hug and hold you. Very caring overall.


Violent- Doesn't know how to control his strength and has bruised and hurt you many times accidentally. He'll grab your arm to stop you from falling and you'll be sore all day. He's violent period, so he has to refrain from threatening you when you do stupid things that annoy him as


Disrespectful- when on certain drugs, he back talks, curses, and even name calls you. He'll invalidate your feelings and sometimes even leave the house and turn his phone off. Once he's sober, he apologizes and explains. You understand, and you're helping him stop taking those things slowly.


Yandere- Will and has killed many people just to have you to himself. Has killed about 4 of your exes, and will smile about it actually. Very conscious about how you feel about him, and extremely passionate about you. 100% in love with you and has no intentions of stopping, though he does have one of your male friends to kill tomorrow for trying to flirt...

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