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Interview with wopstvr Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: She/They (use both please)

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Interview with wopstvr
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: She/They (use both please)

Interview with wopstvr Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: She/They (use both please)

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Q1: What gives you inspiration?
A1: Honestly, any and everything to be honest. But if I had to choose one (or two things) then it would be my own life experiences. I believe no matter how uninteresting life may seem, we all have a story to tell and it's really up to you on whether or not you choose to change the flow. . .if that makes sense lmao.

And second, my friends. Seeing them just living life and having fun or getting excited about writing even one sentence, makes me all giddy inside and I love it.

Q2: Could you recommend any writing tips for new authors?
A2: Ooo shit, this a hard one because I don't even have any advice or tips for myself. But I guess mainly. . .stay true to you.

Write for yourself because once it starts feeling like it's more of a chore than something that you truly love to do, then it's going to stay that way for awhile.
And please don't ever feel like your writing isn't good enough or that you have nothing to bring to the table. Just the fact that you were brave enough to put your thoughts and ideas out onto a public platform is honestly raw as fuck. And if you have an idea at any random point in time, you betta be joggin to that notes app.

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