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Interview with -SCIOPHOBIA Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: She/They

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Interview with -SCIOPHOBIA
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: She/They

Q1: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?A1: i read A LOT and i like spicy foods ! i also lived in dubai for like, 3 years

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Q1: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
A1: i read A LOT and i like spicy foods ! i also lived in dubai for like, 3 years.

Q2: Are there any writers you feel deserve more attention on Wattpad?
A2: YES !! @platonicromantic , strawhat_pirate , -ssugarsweet , @miggiisawesome , @s0uy444 , @killuwua , RISQUERIOT are just :chef's kiss: + everyone who's been interviewed here !

Q3: What book of yours would you recommend to anyone new to finding your account?
A3: seeing as i recently unpublished one of my books, i recommend my one and only bnha book lmao <3

Q4: Has becoming an author affected you in any way in your everyday life?
A4: it definitely did. i previously stated before having a short hiatus that writing affected my mental health and it became a chore instead of something fun because of the expectations for my book.

Q5: Could you recommend any writing tips for new writers?
A5: don't compare yourself to other writers, i keep seeing this in every interview here but it's true. don't be discouraged if your first work is not as good as you expected, everything takes time!

Q6: What anime character would you marry? (based on who's compatible with your zodiac sign)
A6: sasha from aot !! we both have big appetites <3

Q7: Do you have a favorite trope to read/write about?
A7: literally anything that has angst. but the forbidden love trope and friends to lovers are my favorites !!

Q8: Anything that you want to say to your friends/readers/supporters?
A8: words cannot describe how much i appreciate and love you all ! thank you for being here with me trough ups and downs and every drama that happened here in wattpad lmao.

Q9: As a writer what's one thing you would want to change or add to your writing style?
A9: my vocabulary, 100%. english is not my first language so putting the right words together is a struggle for me.

Q10: What anime universe would you want to live in?
A10: HAIKYUU OF COURSE AAAA !! i have no experience when it comes to volleyball but i can fill bottles with water properly aha :tucks hair behind ear: coach ukai hmu

Q11: How would you describe your journey on Wattpad?
A11: wild. even though my account says i joined 4 years ago, i've been here waaaayy longer with my first account. i'm talking about magcon, 5sos, and one direction fics with the side of vampire and wolf fics too LMAOOO.

Q12: What inspires you?
A12: my readers and music !! seeing that people enjoy my works makes me happy and music helps me focus specially when i'm writing something spicy ;)).

Q12: What inspires you?A12: my readers and music !! seeing that people enjoy my works makes me happy and music helps me focus specially when i'm writing something spicy ;))

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