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Interview with -sugarush Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers

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Interview with -sugarush
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers

Q1: What gives you inspiration?A1: To be honest? It would be my sister and friends' reactions every time I present them a work of mine (the newer ones that I published)

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Q1: What gives you inspiration?
A1: To be honest? It would be my sister and friends' reactions every time I present them a work of mine (the newer ones that I published). The thing is, I write my stories first with characters of my own in Microsoft Word like I am writing a legitimate book or something (lol), and then just convert the names into the name of the characters (as well as their abilities and traits) that my readers requested me to write a story about. The unedited ones are read by my sister and my friends irl. When we were in high school (and the classes were face to face), most of us were in a writing and photography committee. Our friend group is pretty much invested in writing news and publications. It would always bring me solace and satisfaction once I see them commending me for my works and it gives me so much motivation. My sister, on the other hand, doesn't like to read. That's why seeing her interested on reading something I wrote is something that boosts my confidence.

Q2: Could you recommend any writing tips for new authors?
A2: One thing that I would make sure before publishing a book is that I already have a starting, a twist, and an ending for it. This way, it motivates me to write since I already know the turn of events.
Another useful tip I could give would be making at least like maybe 5-8 chapters of your story before publishing it. Once you publish it, just release maybe 2 or 3 chapters first and leave the remaining chapters unpublished. If you do this, you don't have to worry about writer's block for the next chapter to your published one or rushing yourself to craft a chapter to catch up with your writing schedule since you still have stored chapters that you have to publish.
Also, write on your own pace and never fret yourself! Everything is not a race and you can take it nice and slow to avoid stressing yourself too much <3

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