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Interview with URIANQZ Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: She/Her

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Interview with URIANQZ
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: She/Her

Q1: What inspires you?A1: Honestly whenever I lose motivation I just either read for fics to tet in that writing spirit or just stare at fictional characters

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Q1: What inspires you?
A1: Honestly whenever I lose motivation I just either read for fics to tet in that writing spirit or just stare at fictional characters

Q2: What color would you choose to describe yourself and why?
A2: Red? I'm pretty sure it represents confidence or something and I'm hardly ever insecure about myself so uh, yeah Red.

Q3: How would you describe your journey on Wattpad?
A3: I only started gaining more followers in the past few months, I started in 2020 and actually deleted this account to move to another one. I came back on this account because I just felt like it. I came to Wattpad to read, honestly. And the first few books I made couldn't even hit a 100 reads so for a while I was pretty inactive. But then I started watching a new anime and became obsessed, and came back here to start writing it.

Q4: As a writer what is something you would like to add or change about your writing style?
A4: I feel like I should add more descriptions and stuff, because I hardly ever do that. It's mostly dialouge? But I'm really bad at them.

Q5: Any writers you feel deserve more attention on Wattpad?
A5: This is an easy one!
@SENEON @realityepicaricacy @lerolie @-S4NZU and @kodzu05

Q6: Do you have any hobbies outside of writing?
A6: I like cycling too, as well as just watching anime in general. I love scrolling through tiktok.

Q7: Is there a book series that you have read growing up that you would recommend to your readers? (Can be by a published author or a writer on Wattpad)
A7: 'Opposites' by lancaliii ! It's just fhcisvhsifvd

Q8: What anime character would you marry? (based on who's compatible with your zodiac sign or mbti)
A8: Neito Monoma from BNHA. He may be a pain in the ass, but honestly he's so hot

Q9: Anything that you want to say to your friends/readers/supporters?
A9: Just keep trying, you will get your life together one day. Though mine is still a mess.

Q10: Has becoming an author affected you in your everyday life?
A10: I think a lot less about other things. The only thing in my mind rn is fictional characters.

Q11: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
A11: I'm a ENTP and a virgo! My birthday is on Sep 12th and I'm actually one of triplets, ( we don't look alike,) One is a boy, too. We are pretty close as my sister and I share the same room. She's right next to me reading fics as I am typing this. She has a wattpad acc too, just for reading, though.
Q12: Is there a music artist that gives you inspiration for your books (while writing them or in general)?
Not really. I just listen to some really catchy songs on Tiktok and that gives me ideas.

Q12: Is there a music artist that gives you inspiration for your books (while writing them or in general)?
A12: Not really. I just listen to some really catchy songs on Tiktok and that gives me ideas.

 I just listen to some really catchy songs on Tiktok and that gives me ideas

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