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Interview with APassingThought Bold: Questions / Italics: AnswersPronouns: She/Her

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Interview with APassingThought
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: She/Her

Q1: What inspired your username?A1: Well, my username is a representation to how all my stories start off

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Q1: What inspired your username?
A1: Well, my username is a representation to how all my stories start off. All of my ideas are just thoughts that pass by. Sometimes I let go of them and other times I cling on to them and make them into works. Whether that be Wattpad stories, songs, artwork. All of it just originates as thoughts that pass by whenever. Therefore I thought APassingThought was a fitting name.

Q2: How would you describe your journey on Wattpad after less than a year?
A2: It's been crazy! I originally created my account for Harry Potter related stuff and then all of a sudden over lockdown I got into anime! And here we are! I found myself binging shows, reading lots of works by other authors and it just inspired me to start writing. I never thought anyone would read them, so I truly am pleasantly surprised!

Q3: Did you ever think that Roommates would become so popular?
A3: Absolutely not! The funny thing about Roommates is that a lot of it is based off my own experiences. I started university this year and by pure chance I ended up having to live with six guys (and only one other girl!). Which made for some rather interesting situations! So some chapters/moments are loosely based on things I have been through since starting university. I wrote it for myself and originally intended for the story just to be a bit of fun. I am blown away by the amount of support it has recieved. So thank you to my readers for enjoying it!

Q4: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
A4: I would be delighted! I am British, I love the colour dark green and in two weeks I'm moving to the USA for 5 months! Which is terrifying but so exciting! I can't wait!

Q5: Is there an anime character that you haven't made a book for but want to?
A5: Yesss so many! I really want to make a JJK based fan fiction or an AOT one! I'm still relatively new to anime so I'm sure as I continue to watch there will be even more characters and stories I want to write about :)

Q6: Is there something that annoys you about being a writer on Wattpad?
A6: Not much... but sometimes people like to compare my work to other authors and books. Which on the one hand is a huge compliment! As these other books and writers are amazing! But then again, when it becomes a continuous trend to compare my work it gets a little... disheartening. But so far my experience has been lovely!

Q7: If you had to choose one word to describe all your stories what would it be?
A7: Inviting

Q8: Any advice for new writers?
A8: Write for yourself. Don't write for the views, don't write to please others. Just write from the heart and let your creativity wonder! Remember that the beauty of writing and the beauty of being creative is that there is no right answer. There's no "right" way, so just have fun with it! After all, isn't that the most important part?

Q9: Anything you want to say to your readers/supporters/friends?
A9: Thank you. Thank you for reading my work, Thank you for enjoying the little tiktoks, thank you for continuously supporting me! You are all amazing and I appreciate every single one of you. Also, remember to take care of yourselves. You are all perfect!

Q10: Do you have any plans for when your journey on Wattpad ends?
A10: Well... I don't see an 'end' as of yet. However, this journey has already made me think about potential career paths/other options that I could explore. Writing is a new skill I'd very much like to continue even after this chapter ends. And that's thanks to you guys :)

Q11: What made you start writing?
A11: I studied English Literature and Language for my A-Levels (College) and so I started writing/analysing poetry, novels, blogs etc. But in terms of starting to write fan fiction? Well I just wanted an outlet to be able to express what I think certain characters would be like in certain situations and so I just started to write! And write... and write some more. And now here we are!

Q12: Is there something you want to incorporate into your writing?
A12: My writing is very poetic. I learnt that I love describing things in a lot of detail and I want to incorporate that even more. I think when you read something you really get soaked up in the world that the writer has created for you. It is beautiful... and a very, very, powerful thing. I'd love to incorporate even more descriptions/poetic chapters that truly entice you as a reader.

Q13: What anime character would you marry? (based on who's compatible with your zodiac sign)
A13: I don't know too much about astrology but I'm a Leo. So after a quick google search to see who I'm compatible with (which seems to be Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius). HAND OVER HANGE ZOË <3

Q14: Is there an anime that you would recommend to new watchers?
A14: Haikyuu of course! And also Horimiya, A silent voice and Yuri on ice! (Which was the first (and only) ever anime I watched back in 2016!)

Q14: Is there an anime that you would recommend to new watchers?A14: Haikyuu of course! And also Horimiya, A silent voice and Yuri on ice! (Which was the first (and only) ever anime I watched back in 2016!)

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so happy i got to interview you!! also so sorry for just now posting this. i have been very busy with visiting my college and registering for my classes. i also decided to switch my major from nursing to accounting lol.

btw i have been informed about what is going on with darlingzara. if you all go to their chapter in this book. i have edited out their interview with a note out of respect to everyone who was hurt.

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