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Interview with kags-cumslut Bold: Questions / Italics: AnswersPronouns: They/She (more lenient to they)

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Interview with kags-cumslut
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: They/She (more lenient to they)

Q1: How would you describe your journey on Wattpad after six years?A1: it's been very wild, from always changing fandoms, leaving and coming back, taking breaks, but it's crazy because i'd do it all over again

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Q1: How would you describe your journey on Wattpad after six years?
A1: it's been very wild, from always changing fandoms, leaving and coming back, taking breaks, but it's crazy because i'd do it all over again

Q2: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
A2: there's not really anything interesting, however i played violin when i was younger, i also had a pet turtle named pablo!

Q3: Do you have any hobbies outside of writing?
A3: journaling is a hobby i've recently picked up! also i plan to pick up crocheting

Q4: Did you ever think that Privacy would become your most popular book?
A4: literally i didnt, it was my second book ever published and practically flopped in its first few months, yet i always kept going

Q5: After your readers have read Privacy, what book of yours would you recommend they read next?
A5: well if they're looked for something lighthearted and funny, i suggest kik, if you're looking for angst? selfish, and if you're looking for something cute with some slight smut? pass it!

Q6: What color(s) would you choose to describe yourself and why?
A6: blue and purple, i'm literally the embodiment of the tired girl aesthetic, clairo blasting, under my covers, with sweatpants and a hoodie, clutching my kageyama plush, that's how i practically am all year round

Q7: Any writers on Wattpad that you think deserve more attention?
A7: def my girl tima, -MRSSUNA writes some of the best suna fanfics i've ever read and has the prettiest themes always!

Q8: Anything you want to say to your readers/supporters/friends?
A8: god thank you for just sticking with me and always giving me time. i'm so indecisive and yet my readers still still with me through breaks, discontinued books, and even LEAVING TWICE. i will not stop saying how much i love y'all. you're the actual reason why i'm here and why my books have reached so many milestones. you guys MADE kags-cumslut

Q9: You currently have 12 books published, has it been hard to manage so many different plots?
A9: not as hard as people think actually! i write depending on my mood, so i often have time for all my different plots, however sometimes i do hey writers block with some books

Q10: Out of all twelve of your books, which was the hardest to write/update?
A10: privacy of course, i spent hours of research on that book, however my hardest book to update are my chat fic books, i have no clue why but i haven't updated oh fish flakes! in months 😕

Q11: What anime character would you marry? (based on who's compatible with your zodiac sign)

Q12: What anime would you recommend to new watchers?
A12: horimiya or yuri on ice, amazing plots, can watch within a few hours, and will make you feel things you've only imagined

Q13: Any advice for new writers?
A13: babies, just write. i see a lot of authors on this app caring more about their themes and the quality of their account more than the quality of their books. having a nice theme is fun, but if you don't spend as much time on your books then does it even matter?

Q14: What type of music do you listen to while you update your books?
A14: this might come as a shock but i don't listen to music while writing, i write in complete silence 😭 i focus better because i'll start thinking up fake scenarios-

Q15: What is your favorite type of plot to read/write about?

Q15: What is your favorite type of plot to read/write about?A15: ANGST AND ENEMIES TO LOVERS, YUHHHHH TURN ME UPP!!!

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yay, another interview posted today. so happy i got to interview you !!
update: Wattpad deleted her account and she isn't coming back to this, but you can find her on tumblr under @/prettyprincejk <3

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