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Interview with wOt_iS_tHiS_LiFe Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: He/Him (okay w/ They/Them)

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Interview with wOt_iS_tHiS_LiFe
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: He/Him (okay w/ They/Them)

Q1: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?A1: Well I play French Horn for concert band, which is fun but also frustrating because all of our trips keep getting cancelled

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Q1: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
A1: Well I play French Horn for concert band, which is fun but also frustrating because all of our trips keep getting cancelled. Other than that I can't really think of many fun facts off the top of my head...

Q2: Are there any writers you feel deserve more attention on Wattpad?
A2: Hmm... definitely @ThatOneFanficDreamer / aarnie. They're a really great person and I think they deserve a lot more attention. Then the others would be @KiddxStar , @MatthewXavierBlack ,
@MercuryEff  and @Dipressed24_7 . They all have original works on wattpad and are all amazing writers.

Q3: What book of yours would you recommend to anyone new to finding your account?
A3: I think I'd probably say Daze, since I feel like it's the one that I put the most thought into and still want to put effort into editing.

Q4: Has becoming an author affected you in any way in your everyday life?
A4: I think it's affected the way I read other stories now, because I appreciate the work that would have gone into it, and I see the beauty in stories a bit more. I also spend a lot more time thinking up random plot ideas and trying to build them into more stories.

Q5: Could you recommend any writing tips for new writers?
A5: I have a few tips. First of all, never put updating stories above taking time for yourself. It can make writing feel more like an assignment than something fun. In terms of actual writing tips, my biggest ones are to double check that a sentence makes sense, use a wide vocabulary range, and do not be afraid to look back and edit your work. Editing is really important, even just reading through your own work after some time can be super helpful for pointing out mistakes! And if you need, get a really close friend to read your story through for you, they might notice mistakes that you don't.

Q6: What anime character would you marry? (based on who's compatible with your zodiac sign)
A6: Oh gosh... I don't even know to be honest.

Q7: Do you have a favorite trope to read/write about?
A7: Ooh favorite trope... I'm not sure I really write about specific tropes, but in terms of reading, I like slow burn, angst, enemies to lovers and fake dating.

Q8: Anything that you want to say to your friends/readers/supporters?
A8: Honestly just a general thanks to anyone who's bothered to read my stuff.

Q9: As a writer what's one thing you would want to change or add to your writing style?
A9: I want to be able to kinda show what's happening in the story, not just tell the people. And characterization, I'd like to work on that.

Q10: What anime universe would you want to live in?
A10: Haikyuu or Kuroko No Basuke most likely.

Q11: How would you describe your journey on Wattpad?
A11: Honestly I think its been really great. It started out with me reading fanfiction on here, then figuring out how to write it on here myself, and every read on my stories or every vote was just like holy crap. I've also become friends with a lot of great people through Wattpad, so I'm really glad I haven't quit.

Q12: What inspires you?
A12: A lot of different things can inspire me, but my top thing would definitely be music. Honestly just listening to music sometimes can inspire me to keep going with what I'm doing, or I'll listen to a particular song and all of a sudden there's a story idea in my head.

 Honestly just listening to music sometimes can inspire me to keep going with what I'm doing, or I'll listen to a particular song and all of a sudden there's a story idea in my head

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