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Interview with nebvlacosmog Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: She/Her

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Interview with nebvlacosmog
Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers
Pronouns: She/Her

Interview with nebvlacosmog Bold: Questions / Italics: Answers Pronouns: She/Her

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Q1: Can you tell us some fun facts about yourself?
A1: Let's see...I'm in highschool, I'm a middle child, older brother and younger sister. I draw a little, you can see it on my other socials, anddd I lived in nyc!

Q2: Do you have hobbies outside of writing?
A2: Yes ! As I just said up above I draw, I also like reading and I play/played a lot of sports; soccer, tennis, volleyball, and a tiny bit of basketball, however I played soccer the longest. I also played violin for a bit, I hated it sm don't ever do it.

Q3: What made you start writing?
A3: I'd say just wattpad in general ! I found it and began reading some fanfics and they just inspired me to make my own! Little secret not a lot of people know, I started as a Fairy Tail fanfic account before making a new one.

Q4: Is there an anime character you want to make a fanfic for? If yes, what kind of plot do you have in mind for them?
A4: There are sooo many. I'd say a main is Katsuki Bakugou. I'm always coming up with ideas and most of them happen to be for him! Some of my next books to come out will be for Katsuki and I'll give a sneak peek. One will be a fantasy au and another is kind of a mix of shameless and horimiya.

Q5: What book of yours would you recommend to new people finding your account?
A5: My favorite ever is Fuck This ! Don't mind the title lol but I love that book so much, it's fun and has lots of cute/fluffy moments. If you're more into angst however I would recommend either Meds or Jinxed.

Q6: What inspired your username?
A6: It's pretty weird actually lmao. I was going through my stuff and I found some old pokemon cards I had stolen from my brother. When I was little I used to take the pokemon that I thought were cute lol. Anyways I found them and my favorite, Cosmog! So that's where the username came from, nebula cosmog but with a v!

Q7: What color would you choose to describe yourself and why?
A7: I actually have no idea, I'm a pretty bright and happy person around my friends but when alone or with strangers I'm really quiet so maybe light purple or sage green?

Q8: How did you first get introduced to anime?
A8: My brother ! I was complaining about not having anything to watch and he told me to check out some anime. He told me to start with Avatar the last air bender and then work my way to Soul Eater and Naruto! Now I'm hooked!

Q9: What anime character would you marry? (based on whose compatible with your zodiac sign)
A9: I'm a Gemini and apparently I'm compatible with Aquarius and Libra (had to do some research) so I'd say Ejirou!

Q10: Are there any writers who you think deserve more attention?
A10: Yes ofc ! Definitely K-KINOSAURUS and @1-800-QUEEN-B33 ! If you just go to my following list you'll see a bunch more!

Q11: Anything you want to say to your readers/supporters/friends?
A11: Thank you guys sm! I love all my followers, you guys are so sweet and my mutuals are THE BEST <33

Thanks for the interview! It was sm fun and btw your books are amazing!

Thanks for the interview! It was sm fun and btw your books are amazing!

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so happy i got to interview you!

it's been one months since i first posted this book! so happy you all enjoy this interview book! tbh i didn't think it would gain this much attraction since i had left wattpad back in 2019 and unpublished all of my books. so my account was kinda of dead but then out of nowhere in March of 2021 i officially came back. then in may i got the idea to to this and in July i finally went through with this idea. so thank you all for the love and support!

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