14 2 0

tw: violence, abuse, blood


Rembrandt Klyde's/

My breathing was getting heavier as I ran towards the parking lot. People's eyes are all over, with their phones on their grip and watching me run like a madman, they for sure know why. Every beat of my heart tries to catch up at my breathing as I'm still far from where I should be.

"Please, do not be here," I whispered, gripping tightly on my useless phone that had been bricked as soon as I received that message.

My world stopped as my soul left when I heard a loud screeching noise that was then followed by an echo of a gunshot. It can't be... I swear to god if anything happens to her, I would never forgive myself. As I exited into the parking lot, I immediately saw her on the ground that is 25 ft away from me. Blood was already rushing down to the side of her face while a gun was pointed at her. Run, Celestine!

I ran towards her closing a 5 feet gap before a car hit me on the thigh, but not enough to throw me off the ground that made me touch onto its hood to balance myself again. My eyes didn't even bother to look at the driver, as I was still watching her from 5 ft. distance.

"Don't," I whispered as my lips were quivering. I watched Elle's trembling hands and Celestine trying to stand. I was about to run again, when I heard his voice.

"Rembrandt!" The angry voice of my father didn't stop me; it made me run again.

Phil caught my body with his whole arm and strength and then tightly held on to me as I was trying to budge him off. I gave him a sharp look, giving him a chance to let me go before my fist could land on his face.

"That is not our business to deal with," my father said with emphasis on each word. What do you mean this is not our business to deal with?

I was about to answer when I heard another shot that radiated weakness down to my gut. My head was quick to turn, as I saw Hunter running towards her as I heard Elle's scream.

"Let me go," my voice was shaking, yet my eyes were highly centered to her when I took a step forward.

"Snap out of it Rembrandt!" My jaw trembled, watching Celestine with my feet stuck at the ground. "Her father killed my brother." My father whispered with so much resentment in his voice.

That fact should have turned me into a stone from where I was standing; it should have made me turn my back from you- from this, but I didn't. I still wanted to run to you, Celestine. I felt no single relief even when I saw you in Hunter's arms and into his car.

I am sorry, Celestine.

* * *

As the door knob had been twisted, I quickly wiped the tear that escaped as I recall what happened two weeks ago. It felt surreal, in the worst kind of ways. I straightened my back and knelt properly, for what I have been doing for the past 24 hours. I shut my eyes for a moment when I heard two pairs of footsteps growing louder to my direction.

"Stand up," he said in full authority and a hint of annoyance towards me.

With all my might left, I stood up and tried to keep my balance, yet I was caught off guard by a strong slap that flew into my cheek. I was lucky enough to be able to grip on the table, avoiding a fall.

"You are good for nothing," singhal nito. I didn't raise my head to meet his eyes. My jaw untightened from the impact of that slap. What I saw from this angle was both of his clenched fists that perhaps wanted more than just a slap. I get it.

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