Chapter 50

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"So, what does the fact that you're a rogue have anything to do with the reason that you kidnapped me?"

His eyes glinted in excitement, almost as if he had been waiting for her to ask this very question.

"While most wolves belong to a pack, I belong to an organisation." Harvey stated firmly as his voice trailed off, a distant look in his eyes which suggested that he was thinking hard. If Anastasia didn't know that he was a rogue, she would have assumed that he was mind linking.

"What kind of organisation?" She asked after a few moments after having waited several minutes for him to continue but instead, was met with a bout of silence.

"The kind that partakes in the exchange of goods." Harvey went on to explain, rubbing a hand under his chin as he struggled to come with the best wording. When he couldn't come up with this best way, he sighed and decided that it was probably best to just bite the bullet and tell her the truth, especially since she was going to be in the centre of it all.

"To be more specific, in the exchange of wolf pups."

"What did you just say?" Anastasia echoed after a few moments of silence, unbelieving of what she had just heard. "Did you just say that you sell children?"

"No. I said that we exchange wolf pups." Harvey shook his head. "But I think the term that the both of us are looking for is child trafficking."

"Child trafficking?" She couldn't help but repeat, her eyes wide and her jaw dropped in complete and utter shock. When he nodded, the empty contents of her stomach threatened to rise up to the surface but she was quick to push another question out of her mouth before that could happen. "How can you be so heartless that you partake in child trafficking? What kind of organisation is this?"

"The kind that traffics children, but we already discussed this." He snickered, almost as if there was even a small part of this scenario that was remotely amusing. "I'll have you know, it's a very profitable business and I'm lucky to be a part of it."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing right now." The whisper barely passed her lips, unable to look away from him. "How can any part of you think that this is good?"

"Well, you better believe it because we haven't even started yet."

"If you're trafficking children, then how do I come into this?" She asked quietly, unable to hold back the evident fear and worry in her tone.

Anastasia hated to admit it, especially when the safety of many, many children was currently hanging in the balance after the horrible news that she had just heard, but she couldn't help but worry for herself. With the way that they had managed to drug and restrain her, rendering her absolutely helpless, she doubted that there was much she could do if they decided to branch out from child trafficking to human trafficking.

"What? You thought we were going to sell you?" He laughed, his shoulders shaking slightly at the bizarre and bewildered look on her face.

When her silence answered for her, Harvey laughed harder.

"Fortunately for you, our clients are more interested in babies. Werewolf pups, to be specific. So, you have nothing to be worried about."

Anastasia wanted to voice aloud that after learning such despicable news, she had a whole lot of worries and concerns now swirling through her mind but she forced herself to bite her tongue; fearful of getting rebuked for such a statement.

"Regardless of that, you're actually very important in this whole operation."


Instead of answering her question, Harvey whistled lowly as he glanced around the room, as if it wasn't dark. However, she was sure that he was able to see perfectly with his supernaturally enhanced eyesight.

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