Chapter 40

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She bit her lip and glanced down at her phone, genuinely considering faking an excuse and cancelling last minute. Despite how excited she had initially been when they had set up the plans for tonight, as the hour now loomed over her head, Anastasia couldn't help but feel that it wasn't right.

Even though her mate was such a dick and definitely deserved this and so much more for what he had done, she couldn't help to think that this was cruel; seeing someone else when she already had a mate.

But just as Justas had hinted, she would no longer have to worry about such a thing if she simply rejected him however, thinking like that just made her feel sick to the stomach.

Even though his horrid behaviour warranted such a despicable response, Anastasia just couldn't bring herself to even think about it. Despite everything, they were still mates – something which she had scarcely hoped she would be blessed with but never thought it to be actually possible – and it would be a slap in face that was the sanctity of mates and the Moon Goddess' pairing; something which she held high respect for. However, that didn't mean that she was ready forgive him. Far from it, actually.

No, if he truly wanted to be forgiven then he would simply have to earn it.

When her phone chimed in her hands, Anastasia blinked out of her daze and glanced down at the notification that now highlighted her screen.

I'm really looking forward to tonight.

What kind of wine do you like?

She chewed her bottom lip, mulling over the prospect of texting him back now and cancelling their stay-in dinner plans but the longer she stared down at the words, the more determined she became that she was in fact doing the right thing.

If he didn't deem her worthy enough of being his mate, then he wasn't worthy enough to be hers.

Champagne would be great.

Or red.

Whichever one you prefer.

A small laugh sounded from her as her phone pinged instantly.

Champagne it is!

I'll see you at 7.

Anastasia hummed quietly as she dropped her phone on the sofa and rose to her feet, needing to get ready before Harvey came over since there was only about a half hour left until she was expecting him.

While they had both agreed that this was nothing more than two friends catching up over dinner – albeit, Harvey more begrudgingly than her – she didn't want to come off as a slob, especially since in the short amount of time that she had known and seen Harvey, she had been dressed in rather comfortable clothes that were far from flattering or attractive.

As she had already showered that morning, Anastasia simply washed her face, applied a light layer of some concealer, bronzer, lip gloss, mascara and brushed some gel through her naturally full eyebrows before slipping a full-sleeved turquoise ruched dress that stopped about mid-thigh. Since they were nearing the end of fall and the beginning of winter, she thought it best to slip on a pair of low count denier tights, forgoing any footwear as they wouldn't be leaving the house.

Just as she finished smoothing her hands down her dress, the sound of the doorbell ringing filled her house.

Not wanting to leave him waiting out in the cold, she rushed down the stairs, through the living and down the hallway to reach the door, only stopping for a few seconds to catch her breath and further compose herself before she reached for the door handle.

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