Chapter 13

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You're literally driven our mate away.

She'll be back. Marcellus snorted and rolled his eyes, still in his wolf form on the border of their territory, no longer able to see her.

With the amount of time that had passed, he was sure that she had already made it back to her house but for some reason, neither him nor his wolf were quite ready to leave.

She thinks you've banned her from the pack.

No, she doesn't.

You don't know that. His wolf growled loudly before standing up on all four legs and turned around, finally decided to head back to the pack. As far as she knows, the Alpha has pretty much ousted her from the pack. How do you expect her to come back here after that?

Who says I want her to come back?

His wolf snorted again. Stop lying to yourself.

Marcellus rolled his eyes and chose not to answer as they took their time in returning back to the pack, needing some time away from everyone to clear his mind.

So, now you're ignoring me?

I'm not ignoring you.

It sure seems like you are.

Now you're starting to sound like her. Marcellus frowned at that.

And that's a bad thing?

Not really. Marcellus couldn't help but chuckle. She really is a little spitfire, isn't she?

You could say that again. His wolf chuckled. No one has ever spoken to us like that before. It's kind of refreshing.

No one would dare to speak to an Alpha wolf like that, but not our mate, apparently.

No. His wolf hummed with a wolfish grin on his face. We sure had her fired up. She even made sure that she had the last word.

She just had to get the last word in.

Kind of sounds like someone else I know. His wolf hummed as the pack house finally came into view.

You say that as if we aren't one entity. Marcellus snorted and rolled his eyes as he shifted back into his human form, jogging up the steps of the pack house and heading to his room to grab some clothes so he wouldn't have to return to work in the nude.

Sometimes I wonder if we are.

Marcellus sighed as he pulled on a pair of jogging bottoms and grabbed a shirt as he walked out of his room and headed into his office.

You have to admire her bravery. His wolf hummed quietly as he took a seat behind his desk and booted up his laptop, determined to get his mind off everything by getting some work done.

Bravery, or just plain stupidity?

Perhaps a bit of both, but you have to admire the way she stood up to you even though you're the big, bad Alpha as she so eloquently put it.

Marcellus couldn't help but chuckle at that. Just cause she's funny when she's angry doesn't mean that I'm going to accept her as my mate. There's a whole sea of females out there that are funny, probably also when they're not angry.

His wolf huffed and rolled his beady eyes.

You can try deny this as much as you want but the longer you do, the harder it's just going to get for you.

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