Chapter 3

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His first thought that morning had been that he needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. His second thought had been how would he be able to be able to find her in the hospital, but then he very quickly reminded that he was a werewolf and would be able to scent his mate out from more than a couple of miles away.

If she worked at the hospital, which he most certainly believed she did, then Marcellus would find her and nothing or no one would be able to stop him.

His third and most prominent thought was that after all this time, pent-up frustration and anticipation – which he could only assume was a two-way thing – would she be disappointed to end up with him as a mate?

Sure, he was the Alpha of one of the strongest and largest packs in the world, but the innate fear of not being good enough which he had harboured all through his childhood and now into his adulthood, remained as a tick at the back of his mind.

To rid himself of the thought, Marcellus forced himself out of bed and then headed into the bathroom. He then spent an unhealthy amount of time in the shower, grooming himself for the possibility of finally meeting his mate today. After all, he was a firm believer that first impressions counted for a lot.

To say that Marcellus and his wolf were excited would be an understatement.

What do you think she's like? His wolf hummed quietly as the water cascaded over his head, the wet strands of his hair falling over his forehead and into his eyes, rendering him momentarily unable to see.

But even then, he continued to imagine what his mate looked like at the back of his eyelids, his lips curling up subconsciously.

Fucking perfect!

No doubt about it. His wolf chuckled in agreeance. Now hurry the fuck up so we can get to the hospital and find our mate.

Marcellus didn't need to be told twice and in record time, he was out of the shower, dried off and dressed in what could only describe as his Sunday best. Not that he attended church as he was more part of a cult than a religion.

"Marcellus? Where are you going?" A voice called out from behind him as he walked out of the pack house.

Marcellus paused and glanced over his shoulder, only to find that he wasn't the first one to be awake at this early house as he previously thought and found his Beta to be watching him curiously.

"To the hospital." He stated simply before jogging down the steps, an added prep in his step.

"What? Why? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No." He shook his head as he rounded the side of the pack house where his car was parked in the Alpha's spot, unobstructed by any of the other vehicles.

He didn't usually drive as either Dalton or one of the warriors drove him around the few times that he did leave the pack nowadays, so he also had that to look forward to as well.

"Then why are you going to the hospital?"

"I'll tell you later."

"If you're going to the pack hospital then why are you taking your car?" Dalton asked as he followed him out of the pack house, standing off to the side as Marcellus rounded the car to adjust both the mirrors. "It's just down the street, but you already know that."

"I'm not going to the pack hospital."

"Okay, buddy. I'm really lost here. I thought you just said you were going to the pack hospital."

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