Chapter 46

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Marcellus scowled as he alternated between staring at the both of the rogues through the bars of their respective cells; not trusting them to be in one cell together.

After they had been detained by his warriors and the unconscious female rescued from their grasps, it was almost as if they had given up. But with the way one of the rogues stared back at him with the defiance clear in his eyes, Marcellus was definite that there was more to the story than they were currently seeing.

These rogues had given up way too quickly – barely even putting up a fight as they were escorted to the dungeons and locked away – that not for one second did Marcellus think that this was a simple kidnapping story. The capture had been way too easy so now, they needed to figure what was truly going on.

Marcellus. Dalton called out to him through the mind link. The pack doctor is currently doing a check up on the she-wolf but like the other females that were kidnapped, she's still unconscious.

Did they do anything to her? Marcellus asked quietly, his eyes growing darker in colour as he thought of the mistreatment of a she-wolf, and an innocent wolf at that, too.

We don't know yet but the doctor is checking. However, they found a mark on her neck.

What kind of mark?

A mate mark. Dalton explained. One of the nurses was changing her clothes and when she touched her neck, some makeup or something came off. They then found a mate mark on her neck.

What the fuck are they doing with a mated she-wolf?

I have no idea. Dalton sighed. But I would guess that her mate is one of the other two.

Probably. Marcellus couldn't help but agree with a thoughtful expression on his face.

How are things going down in the basement? Do you need me to come down here?

I could do with some helping torturing information out of these rogues. He couldn't help but growl, his eyes flickering toward the first rogue who had curled himself into a small bowl in the corner of the room while the second leaned against the back wolf, watching the Alpha silently. Let's find out which one of these wolves tried to kidnap his own mate.

Unwilling to wait until Dalton joined them, Marcellus' lips curled up into a devilish sneer as he took a step toward the cell directly in front of him. While the defiant wolf who refused to stand his ground probably would be harder to break, Marcellus had a feeling that the woman was his mate since he had been the one carrying her and currently, the other wolf was rocking himself back and forth in the corner, more worried and concerned about himself than anyone else.

The fact that he potentially had leverage over the first wolf meant that either he would be easier to crack, or the second wolf would get intimidated and end up spilling the entire truth.

Either way, Marcellus demanded answers and knew just the way to get them.

"Why were you trying to kidnap your own mate?" Marcellus asked with his arms crossed over his chest, choosing to not beat around the bush.

"What?" The rogue sounded aloud in confusion, though his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "I don't have a mate. What are you talking about?"

"Then why does that unconscious she-wolf have a mark on her neck which was covered with makeup?" Dalton asked from behind him as he entered into the cell after having just arrived, careful of the silver bars.

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