Chapter 43

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Marcellus had been in a sour mood since his mate had thrown him out of her house, akin to the way that he had thrown her out of the pack on the very first day that they had met.

It's quite funny, actually. What goes around, comes around. His wolf chuckled though the sound was rather strained and far from humorous.

Please tell how this is funny? Marcellus growled at his wolf, uncaring of the fact that his pack members probably thought that he had gone crazy with the way he had been silently brooding around the pack for the past few days, unable to get control over his emotions and feelings.

Please do tell me how my mate throwing me out of her house and telling me to never return is funny? He growled again, pausing to slap his hands down on the kitchen table, completely unaware of the wolves around the kitchen that had been holding their breath since the moment he stepped in there while pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Okay, when you say it like that, it sounds much worse than it is.

Oh, really? He snorted as he rounded the kitchen island and headed out of the kitchen, heading straight for his office which had been his safe haven these past few days. There's absolutely no way that this fucking mess that we're in is worse than it is. It's so fucking bad already. There's no possible way for things to get even worse.

You're looking at this from a negative perspective. His wolf noted aloud in a hesitant tone, clearly trying to turn the horrible situation over on its head but with no luck; failing just as he had done every day since they had last seen their mate.

Unable to suffer through this back and forth any longer, Marcellus sighed and closed the door behind him before he moved to drop himself in his desk chair.

While he wanted to agree with his wolf and try to look positively at the situation, but he couldn't help but fear that there was nothing to look forward to anymore. With the way that he had chosen to approach the situation and handle everything – or rather in this case, not handle anything at all – he had seriously fucked up. So much that there wasn't room to fix anything. And whenever he tried, he just seemed to make things all that much worse.

He wanted nothing more than to head back to his mate and show her just how sorry he truly was but it appeared that when she was involved, he couldn't do a thing right. He couldn't apologise properly or before she had the chance to rebuke and cut him off, and he certainly couldn't stop doing things that set her off.

Despite all his needs and wants, ultimately, he knew that he needed to give her time and space. Since he seemed to be making things so much worse whenever he tried to do any good and make amends, that seemed to be the only option.

While he had called and texted her a few times on the first and second today – obviously with absolutely no luck – he had forced himself to leave her alone on the third day by giving his phone to Dalton and strictly instructing him to only return it when there was a very important phone call which couldn't be ignored. Thankfully, most of those came directly to his desk phone and not his personal phone.

A few more days of this silence and he would try his luck again but at the moment, nothing was looking good.

Marcellus groaned and rubbed a tired, aggravated hand down the side of his face before he booted up his laptop for the day, determined to bury himself in work so he couldn't have to face the horrific reality that was his life.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to cling onto that hope for long as before he even had the chance to login to his email, Dalton came bursting through his office door, Marcellus having scented him the moment he stepped out of his room a few minutes ago.

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