Chapter 15

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When the final bell of the day rang, she released a sigh of relief, not even bothering to hide it from her students.

"You could try looking less happy, Miss Mulberry." One of her students chimed jokingly as they all rose to their feet and began packing up the things to head home for the day.

"No chance! I'm not on the clock anymore." She called after him and laughed softly as some of the other students joined in.

Once the room had emptied, she walked up and down the centre pathway in the middle of the room, tucking in chairs and swiping any scraps of paper off the tables. After a single survey of the room, she grabbed her purse and headed out of the school. There were only a few seniors left hanging around in the hallways; all wolves.

She smiled politely at them as she waddled by, her hand placed protectively over her stomach as it was always was nowadays, her lips curling up at the corners as she felt the baby kick for what felt like the millionth time today. After the first few times, the novelty had worn off and now that she was nearing the seventh month of the pregnancy, the baby growing inside of her was much more active than ever before.

It probably didn't help that she was carrying a wolf pup and not a human baby. Either way, she wouldn't change a single thing about her decision as she was doing the greatest service for her friends that a person could possibly do.

As two males who had been paired together by the Moon Goddess herself, no one could dare deny their matching or compatibility. Justas and Raphael couldn't conceive themselves even though a little pup to call their own was the one thing they wanted the absolute most. When she had heard, she offered up herself as surrogate immediately and while it had been a rushed decision, one which she hadn't initially put much thought into, it had very quickly turned into the best thing she had ever done.

Unfortunately for Anastasia, the happy mood didn't last for long as she slipped into the driver's seat but instead of humming to life as her car usually did, she was met with a low growl that did not come from a wolf.

Anastasia frowned as she twisted her key and tried again. When that didn't work, she groaned and slammed her hand down on the wheel in frustration, immediately wincing as the horn blared loudly and a few pupils that were still lingering outside the school momentarily halted their conversation to stare at her.

She huffed and fished for her phone in her purse. When she had experienced car troubles in the past, she had always called her dad who had worked as a car mechanic for many years however, he was currently travelling the world with her mother so she had no choice but to turn to Google.

Fortunately for her, the nearest garage was only a few minutes away but since her car refused to start up, she punched in their number and pressed her phone against her ear.

Twenty minutes passed before she spotted the pick-up truck pull up into the school parking lot. At the sight of him, Anastasia softly pressed down on the horn to alert him that she was the one in need.

It was only when he stepped out the vehicle and approached hers that she recognised him as Harvey from the diner a few weeks ago. Anastasia followed suit, swinging her purse strap onto her shoulder, her keys in hand.

"Fancy running into you here." Harvey chuckled as he came to a stop next to her, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"You're the mechanic?" Anastasia asked in surprise, staring up at him with wide eyes.

"One of them, yes." Harvey chuckled with a light glint in his eyes, his lips stretched into a wide grin. "I was fortunate enough to get a job just a few days after that day at the diner."

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