Chapter 34

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"No, you didn't." The words rushed out of his mouth as he stared up at her after having frozen in his spot for a few moments, the both of them and the bed soaked in her fluids.

"I think I know when my water broke!" Her lips pulled down into a frown as she stilled on top of him, unsure of what to do.

From all of the books that she had read regarding pregnancy, Anastasia had learnt that sex often helped induce labour however, none of these books had ever mentioned that she would go into labour during sex.

"What do we do now?" Marcellus gulped from underneath her, not daring to move in case he hurt her, not all that knowledgeable regarding labour or giving birth but one thing he did know was that it was supposed to be very, very painful.

Her eyebrows knitted together as she stared down at him, her mind perplexed.

"I guess I'm supposed to go to the hospital, but I haven't started getting contractions yet so they won't be able to do anything."

"What? So, we have to wait for the pain to start before doing anything?" He struggled to hold back the growl, not at all fond of the idea of his mate being in pain, especially when there were techniques and mechanisms to prevent or minimise that nowadays.

"Pretty much." Anastasia grimaced slightly as she removed her hands from where they were rested on his lower stomach and lifted herself off of him, avoiding his gaze as she slipped off the bed.

"Is it a contraction?" Marcellus asked quickly as he shot up on the bed, the concern evident in his eyes.

When a few moments of silence had passed and all she had done was retrieve her robe from the back of the door and covering herself up with it, he couldn't help but grow increasingly worried. So much so that he could barely think straight at the prospect of her being in pain and keeping it from him.

"Anastasia. You need to tell me what's wrong." He demanded of her as he rose to full height, marching across the room to take prisoner of her wrist, very aware of the fact that she was currently in labour.

When she refused to turn and face him, he frowned and tightened his grip on her wrist ever so slightly. However, before he could question her further, she finally spoke.

"Sorry about that." Anastasia murmured quietly, purposely keeping her back to him, not bothering to pull her wrist out of his hold despite the strange tingles that sparked all over her body whenever he touched her or vice versa. It had surprised her at first and caught her off guard but very quickly, she found herself savouring those little zaps, especially when she knew it was because of him.

Anastasia didn't quite know what it meant that she felt tingles whenever Marcellus touched her, but from what she had learnt from her dad, her wolf friends and even some research of her own when she had been younger and discovering herself as part wolf, she knew that wolves only felt such a thing when their mate touched them.

But Alpha Marcellus was not her mate. Or rather, that was what he had wanted her to believe.

She may not have realised it at first but after a comment that Raphael had made earlier about the tingles still being as strong as ever even after a couple of years, Anastasia couldn't stop thinking about it.

She felt tingles whenever Marcellus touched her. She had been drawn to him since the moment she had met him, even when he had been barking at her to leave and never come back. There was this chemistry between them that she couldn't ignore nor explain, yet he had told her that he already had a mate and that the situation was complicated.

The Alpha's Surrogate [The Alpha's #1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora