Chapter 37

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Marcellus hadn't been able to sleep all night, not with her words constantly echoing in his mind; haunting him for the ordeal that was to take place in the morning.

"I can't deal with you right now. Come back in the morning."

What did she mean? He groaned into his hands as he dropped himself to take a seat on the edge of the bed, having asked this very same question multiple times over the past couple of hours as both him and his wolf waited for her to wake up. Why did she say she can't deal with us right now?

I don't know. His wolf growled in frustration, having answered in the exact same way multiple times to this same question. She had just given birth and she sounded very tired. She probably didn't have time for your bullshit.

I really hope that's all. Marcellus groaned in frustration as he forced himself up from the bed, unable to get the reeling thoughts out of his mind.

You're going to tear a hole into the rug. His wolf warned as Marcellus kept up his incessant pacing around the room, his hands clasped behind his back.

Ignoring his question, Marcellus groaned again and tipped his head back as he stared up at the ceiling, not feeling the least bit reassured by his wolf who clearly didn't think this a big of a deal as it was.

Do you think she knows?

There's no way that she can know. His wolf denied, not sharing the same worries and fears as his human. You're making this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Why don't you get a cup of coffee to calm yourself down?

I think that's just going to make myself more jittery. He growled quietly, though took heed to his wolf's advice and doubled the request, a cup for both himself and his mate.

Thankfully, by the time he returned to the hallway, he could sense that she was now awake and moving around in her room.

You seriously can't be scared of our mate right now. His wolf snorted at the absurdity of the situation, finding it comical that Marcellus, the Alpha of the Lupum Griseo pack was scared to go and tell his mate the truth.

She's a little spitfire. Marcellus insisted, unable to hold back the whine that had somehow managed to slip in with his words. She's going to tear my head off once I tell her just what a jackass we are.



Once she finds out just what a jackass you are. His wolf chuckled, making sure to insist that since this was his mess, he was in this alone.

Gee, thanks. Marcellus replied dryly as he rolled his eyes. I thought we were in this together.

Not when it includes her ripping your balls off and then shoving them down your throat.

Marcellus visibly winced and chose not to comment further as he forced himself to walk down the hallway, his heart rate accelerating the closer he got to the guest room where she was residing.

As both of his hands were full, he knocked on the door using his elbow but when he was met with no audible response but rather, some more shuffling sounding from behind the door, he sighed and once again, used his elbow to allow himself into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Anastasia snapped at him the moment he stepped into the room, her hands braced on her hips as she sent him a sharp, pointed look, a deep scowl and a menacing glare, clearly not happy to see him.

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