Chapter 27

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If she hadn't personally experienced the moment herself or the very real pressure of his lips against hers, Anastasia would have found it impossible to believe it.

An hour had passed since she was locked lips with the big bad Alpha and even now, while she stood in the bathroom, staring back at her reflection in the mirror, she still savoured the taste of him on the tip of her tongue.

"How could you kiss him back?" She groaned aloud as she reached out to turn on the taps and splash some water on her face in hopes of forcing some sense into her.

When the first splash didn't work, she tried a second and then third time. And then, when she could still feel his kiss on her lips, she reached for her toothbrush and began brushing her teeth, making sure to use her extra minty toothpaste. However, it appeared that his minty taste trumped it all.

Knowing that he was only two doors away from her made everything all that much worse.

It was only when a knock sounded on the door was Anastasia pulled out of her thoughts, reaching for a towel to press against her face as she waddled out of the ensuite bathroom and toward her bedroom door, completely in the dark as to who was behind it.

Whoever it was, she just hoped it wasn't Alpha Marcellus back for more. Anastasia sincerely doubted that if he tried to make another move on her, she would be able to resist. As if she had been able to resist him the first time.

When her eyes landed on an energetic Raphael and a mellow Justas, both with hopeful and expectant looks on their faces, a sigh of relief escaped her.

As she entertained her friends, thoughts of the Alpha quickly slipped from her mind.

Anastasia didn't know what to do regarding the awkward situation that she had put herself in, so it warranted giving the big bad Alpha a taste of his own medicine. If he could avoid her, then she could certainly do the same to him.

"Where did you go after breakfast?" A curious voice sounded from the passenger seat of the car, turning slightly to look at her as he spoke.

"To my room." Anastasia stated simply, her eyes briefly washing over him as she turned her head to stare out the window, watching the forest pass by as they continued to drive off pack territory and toward the nearest baby furniture store.

"But I saw you come out of the Alpha's office."

She stilled in her seat and her head slowly turned to face Raphael, surprised by his comment.

"If you knew I was in the Alpha's office, then why did you bother asking me where I was?" Anastasia snorted, her lips tugging higher at the corners as she stared back at him.

Justas merely remained in silence, more than happy to allow the two friends to continue taking jabs at each other; their actions playful despite how it may appear to an outsider.

"I wanted to hear what excuse you would come up with." Raphael shrugged and grinned, staring intently at her friend. "So, what were you doing in his office?" He asked like the nosy git that he was.

Since Anastasia knew that her best friend would be able to tell if she lied, she decided to just go with the truth. Or rather, as close as she could get to the truth without incriminating herself.

"I went to confront the Alpha as to why he had been avoiding me these past couple of days." She chuckled, rolling her eyes slightly as she turned her head to glance out the window.

Raphael tutted playfully and shook his head. "What did I tell you about getting on the Alpha's bad side?"

"Not to."

The Alpha's Surrogate [The Alpha's #1]Where stories live. Discover now