Chapter 1

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He hated attending these sorts of events and found them to be especially vexatious. Usually, he would have tried to pawn off his Beta and best friend, Dalton, to represent the pack however, Marcellus couldn't bring himself to separate Dalton from his son who had come down with a fever last night.

So instead, he had brought two warriors with him to formally represent the Lupum Griseo pack.

As the Blue Onyx pack where the Alpha Ceremony was taking place was multiple states over, the drive was well over a couple of hours and by the end of it, Alpha Marcellus Storm was on the end of his tether. He had brought his laptop with him in the car to get some work done but very quickly, it had died form lack of charge and he cursed himself for not bringing the charger with him too.

Other than paperwork for the pack to make sure everything remained in order, Marcellus worked to grow the financial firm that his forefathers had started and worked hard to keep prosperous over the generations. While he had a team of wolves to help manage everything for him and keep the business profitable, he liked to make sure that everything was running smoothly.

That, along with the hefty inheritance that his father and former Alpha had left behind for the pack, all the money accumulated from previous generations, left the Lupum Griseo pack in a very good financial position, making sure that no one was left without.

If members of the pack struggled financially, then they had the pack to fall back on and if anyone required a job, then as Alpha, he was happy to help them find one within the pack as they only thrived if everyone worked together.

An aggravated sigh passed his lips as he glanced down at the flashing battery icon on his laptop and closed the device in a bout of anger, wincing as the sharp slap of it filled the car. Running a hand down his face, he placed it back into his bag however this time, his actions were far gentler.

To pass the time, he queried both the warriors about themselves and the recent happenings of their lives, priding himself as Alpha to make an effort with every single one of his pack members, even if their pack had just grown to eight-hundred with the recent addition of a pup this past weekend.

"It appears as if we're the last ones." Zion, one of the guards noted aloud as they all stepped out of the car and stretched their legs, having been cramped inside the moving vehicle for a few hours now.

They were wolves and by nature, they were not meant to be cramped in small places for so long. If they could have run here, they would have but Marcellus was sure that the other Alphas would frown upon such an arrival.

"Fashionably late." He murmured quietly, a tinge of mirth in his voice as he straightened out his suit jacket and did up the button. "Now, come on. Let's get inside before they send out a welcoming party."

The two warriors shared a knowing look and snickered before following the Alpha, making sure to flank him on both sides as he preferred that over having his pack members walk behind him. While he was an Alpha and that facilitated him with more than a regular wolf, he didn't believe himself to be better than anyone else.

Unfortunately, they were too late and the other Alpha's had already spotted them before they could even make it to the front entrance of the pack house.

"Your call, Alpha." Mohammed, the other guard murmured with a chuckle as they swarmed by all sides, most of the wolves curious as it had been years since Alpha Marcellus had attended such an event.

Marcellus sighed and ran a hand down his face, already tired and the ceremony hadn't even started yet. If he thought he was tired and frustrated now, he had a whole other thing coming to him as after all the greetings and introductions were done, they all headed outside where the official ceremony would take place.

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