Chapter 45

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"Alpha Marcellus?" Mohammed, one of his guards and warriors called out to him a questioning tone. "Are you ready to head back to the pack?"

Despite it being late and them having found absolutely nothing the whole day, he couldn't help but feel like there was something obvious that they were somehow missing.

Instead of sticking around as he knew it would prove to be fruitless, Marcellus sighed and nodded, feeling tried and haggard after suffering through such a long day.

The fact that they had virtually nothing to show for it made it so much more worse.

Perhaps they'd be able to find something out with a fresh pair of eyes in the morning. Or maybe they would be doing the exact same thing they had been doing this past couple of days which was absolutely nothing. Either way, there wasn't anything that him or any of his pack could do so instead of wasting time, he would rather everyone head home so they can be well rested for tomorrow.

"Yes, that's probably best, Mo." He sighed and ran a tired hand up the side of his face only to tug on the ends of his hair gently, needing something to take all of his frustrations out of. "Do me a favour. Round everyone up. We'll leave in ten minutes, okay?"

"Yes, Alpha." He nodded and turned around as he was told, taking Zion with him to do just that.

Marcellus watched as they walked away from him and back into the pack house where all of his wolves were currently enjoying a nice hot meal with the Red Howler pack. While he had been prompted to join them and while he probably could have done with some food after a long, hard day of searching through the forest for any leads on the recent kidnappings, Marcellus just wasn't ready to give up.

He couldn't give up. Not when there was imminent danger out there that threatened the safety of him and all werewolf kind. Not yet, at least.

While his heart for poor little Amy who far from deserved the horrific fate that she had been dealt with, these kidnappings – which they all now feared had begun to escalate – this was really starting to hit home now.

As well as the Red Howler pack, there had been a few more kidnappings in some other packs and together, wolves from each pack were trying to investigate and keep their people as safe as possible but at the end of the day, at the end of every day, they kept coming back with nothing.

More than just puzzling them, it was immensely frustrating. Other than the fact that Amy had been pregnant, there was no other difference between her and the other females that had been taken and then returned shortly after.

After some thorough investigating on the pack doctor's part, he had confirmed that Amy had been pregnant with a wolf pup, only a few weeks into her pregnancy. It had also been confirmed that it had been the baby that had eventually torn her up from the insides, her body unable to house the supernatural creature.

While it wasn't the first time that a human hadn't survived a supernatural pregnancy, the fact that her roommate had insisted that Amy hadn't been seeing anyone at all, let alone enough for her to get pregnant raised a few more eyebrows. In fact, it raised so many questions that absolutely nothing was adding up and once again, they all found themselves back at square one.

The fact that his own mate was only part wolf just worried him all that much more; more than any other wolf would ever understand. If they didn't find out who was behind all of this and soon, Marcellus genuinely feared for the safety of his mate and with all of this distance between them – entirely his fault, of course – that just heightened his fear all that much more.

Whipping out his phone, he punched in the first number on his speed dial and pressed the device against his ear, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, already annoyed that Dalton hadn't picked up on the first ring.

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