Chapter 7: Making Magic And The Dungeons

Start from the beginning

"Nope. Just feel sorry for your next victims. Now why are you still annoying me?" I turn around to ask. He moves off the couch and walks towards me, looking around the room and placing his hands behind him. As he walks towards me I walk back until I hit the edge of a table. He continues walking until our faces are only a few inches apart.

"I just came to say hi. And to give you two things. Here's one of them," He whispers to my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck, making my face heat up and looking anywhere but him. He takes a few pieces of paper out of his back pocket and hands them to me. I take them and open them up and my eyes widen.

"These are-"

"My dreadful mother's notes and spells. On the only hybrid in the world," He says, ending my thought. I start to move towards my desk but Kol vamp speeds in front of me pointing out his finger in front of me and shaking it back and forth.

"I'm here to make a deal. You want these. I want something else," He smirks down at me. I sigh and put on my nicest smile and talk in my sweetest voice.

"And what can I do for you Mr. Mikaelson?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"A date? You, me, a nice black dress at a private restaurant where I can get to know you," he smirks and I roll my eyes and shove him lightly.

"Please. I'm not one of those desperate witches begging for your attention. What do you really want? Sex? I'm not going to have sex with you and be some name on whatever creepy list you have," I laugh and grab a needle from the side of my desk. I prick my finger and let the blood run down before putting my whole finger on top of the lock, letting the blood drip down, unlocking it. I open the book and place the notes carefully on top of my earlier spell.

I'll need both for what's to come.

Suddenly, Kol stands to my side and grabs my finger, sucking and licking off the remaining blood. I feel all the heat rush to my cheeks as I look up at him sucking my finger and I hold back a moan. I turn up to his eyes to see his gaze meeting mine with a hint of something in his eyes.

Hunger. Pure hunger.

God. His tongue feels so good on my skin.

After sucking and licking off the remaining blood sprawled on my finger, he removes his lips slowly off my finger. Getting out of my thoughts, I quickly remove my finger from his grasp and turn around. He grabs my hips and swings me back to face him, putting our bodies tight against each other.

"I don't want sex. I want a nice evening with you at a restaurant and maybe a walk around town afterwards. I'll pick you up next Friday at 7 here. Don't be late darling. And before I forget. This is for you," He says, reaching into his jacket pocket.

"Happy 21st Birthday Davina Claire," he whispers in my ear, leaning in and before I know it, he is gone.

How did he know?

I open the tightly wrapped parcel carefully, making sure nothing happens to the outside. Inside, there is a note and what looks to be a very old book. Like very old. I opened the note addressed to me.

Davina Claire,

Happy Birthday. Inside this parcel is this note and a book I bought off a tibetan monk a few hundred years ago. It is one of a kind so treat it well, darling. Inside the book, you will find all sorts of spells and information on the elements, mainly earth and water. There are also maps and information on rare species and animals that can be found around the world. I hold a safe place for many of these things and you are more than welcome to use them. Until we meet again, darling.

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