Chapter 6: Finally Awake

Start from the beginning

"How the fu-"

"I know you are lying. I will not ask for specifics of why but I need to know what happened afterwards," He walks towards me. "Be honest Hayley. What happened afterwards?"

Dammit. Why do I feel the need to tell him the truth?

"I-my eyes-they turned a different color when I came home that night. I thought I was hallucinating. B-B-Because they disappeared. But then I got stronger and faster. I didn't know what was happening to me. What am I?" I ask, begging him to tell me the answer.

"I can only tell you that if you want to be thrown into a new, chaotic world, where it is not pretty on the other side. I will give you until tonight to tell me if you want the truth or not," He declared and took a deep breath.

"In my experience, the truth does not always bring happiness. But it does bring knowledge and peace. Peace that sometimes, we need," He says, his voice laced with sorrow.

"And why should I believe you? For all I know, you're a man who supposedly rescued me and my friends, could be a complete serial killer, and claims to know information about my family when I know nothing about you and could be making everything up," I shout at him as Elijah walks towards the door.

"I know the color your eyes changed to were yellow. I am a man of my word. At least believe that. I will come see you later tonight to check up on you. Think of my proposition," He replies before opening the door and walking out.

And I waited. All day.

I spent the whole day thinking about things, like how he knew my eyes changed to yellow or how he could possibly know my parents. But he gave me a clue.

Labonair. My name is Hayley Labonair.

I smile thinking of the name. I liked it. But then my smile dropped thinking of what Elijah said afterwards. Your parents were...

It would mean my parents aren't alive.

I felt tears drop on my face as I remembered the many nights in the horrible foster system that I dreamed of my parents coming to save me. They were going to say sorry and want me back and we would be a happy family. My thoughts get interrupted as I hear a loud knocking on my door and my body being pushed down on the bed.

"HAYLEY. I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU," I hear from my assailant and I laugh and groan at the same time.

"Careful Care on the ribs. They're still sore," I chuckle and Caroline immediately releases her arms from around me.

"Sorry," Caroline smiles and sits up.

"I'm sorry. I was gone all day so I couldn't be here when you woke up. How are you feeling?" She asks, worried.

"I'm fine. Hey, do you know anything about who lives here?" I ask her, curious.

"Yeah. A group of siblings who obviously need to go to some family therapy," she laughs and I giggle. "I mean there is one annoying jerk-faced little ...... nevermind. I saw Elijah in the hallway and he said he was coming up to meet you. I asked for a few minutes with you before," Care smiles and I look around.

"Is it safe here? Where even is here?" I ask.

"We're on the outskirts of New Orleans. Don't worry. I talked to my mom. Kind of lied about the situation but what's important is that you are awake and well," She smiles and I stare at her shocked.

"You lied? Is that even possible," I ask, giggling.

"Oh shut up," Caroline rolls her eyes and we both start laughing.

"I have to go but I'll be back tomorrow morning. Elijah told me that the cooks are making you something delicious so have fun," Caroline informs me.

"What about you? You can share with me if you haven't eaten," I tell her.

"Oh. I, uh, I already ate. But thank you. I might catch a bite with Rebekah later," She informs me.

"Rebekah. Who the hell is Rebekah?" I ask.

"Oh, she's Elijah's sister. Even though she's been kind of a bitch to me sometimes and sometimes she's nice, I like her personality. She's funny. You would like her. You even remind me of her. Doing what you want even if being told no. Cold as ice yet warm and friendly," Caroline smiles and waves goodbye before leaving. I slowly start getting up, cautious of my bandages, when I hear a small knock on the door. I turn to find the same deep brown eyes that I stared into this morning.

This is so embarrassing. Hayley, stop it.

I don't know why I am having thoughts like this. But just looking at him takes my breath away and when we look at each other, it's like nothing else is happening in the world.

"Hey, um, come in. How was your day?" I nervously ask.

"Challenging as always when you live with three siblings. But I must say, I have taken quite a fondness to your friend Miss Forbes. She has a great spirit and is a nice new friend to my sister," He smiles down towards me and I blush lightly.

"Yeah, that's Caroline for you," I laugh.

"Have you thought of my offer?" Elijah asks, walking towards me.

"I have. I want to know everything you know about my parents and I. And I want only the truth," I declare. 

-Hayley finally wakes up! Meeting the hottest Mikaelson as she wakes up (three way tie with Klaus and Kol)! Elijah tells her that he can give her answers which is all she's ever wanted! Read more to find out what happens next!

(Hint: Kolvina next chapter!) Also sorry for short chapter next one is twice as long! 

-Have a good night! Stay Safe! 


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