Sister Margaret's New Bartender

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Word Count: 1527


When the first regular turned up at Sister Margaret's Home For Wayward Girls that Saturday, Boots was surprised to see a teenager, who looked quite intimidating, working the bar (while drinking straight from a bottle of Vodka, how he could stay upright, the man would never know) instead of Weasel, so he naturally walked up to the bar and eyed up the teen, who was staring straight back at him through his sunglasses.

"What you doing at this bar, kid?"

The boy's voice was flat and sarcastic "Working, I'm not exactly here to stare at the blood stains on the wall."

"Ok then, I'll have a blowjob."

"Only if you give me one back" Despite the witty remark that left the grown man slightly uneasy, the boy threw the empty vodka bottle over Boots' head and it landed in the dustbin, shattering. He then pulled out a few bottles and 10 seconds later, a shot glass was sitting on the counter.

"What's your name, Crazy Kid?" He pushed the empty glass back where the kid started filling it up again.

"Stick with Crazy Kid, or call me T-M-H"

"What does that stand for?"

"The Mad Hatter, it was my name in the psych ward."

The large man backed up slightly, and TMH snickered at that, before pushing over another Blow Job "This one's on me"

A few people had filtered in by now and TMH went to serve them, while Boots just watched as he flirted and chatted, mixing drinks like a pro.

3 hours later, a lady walked in attracting cat-calls from everyone around. TMH was serving her a drink as a man walked up to her, grabbing her by the waist. This man was 6 foot 4, towering over the short figure, who starting protesting. This got TMH's attention, who stopped shaking the mixers together, leaving it on the side. He vaulted over the bar, unwillingly drawing a crowd and pulled the lady back "She said leave her the fuck alone Bigfoot."

"What are you gonna do, Thumbelina?"

A small squeak come from the back of the crowd, and everyone saw Frostbite, a hunk of muscle, staring wide-eyed. "Oh my fuck..." He whispered "It's The Mad Hatter."

"Ouch Snowball, that really hurts." TMH's voice is full of fake hurt "I haven't saw you since Ward M and you swear on my name?"

"No, no that isn't what I meant, I swear." The large man tried to backtrack while TMH stood their, the sunglasses and facial expressions showing nothing.

"I'm kidding, geez. I had to be stable enough to get out of Ward Z, didn't I? I'm perfectly fine."

"Look, Domino, man" Frostbite turned Domino, to the man TMH was about to hit "Don't get involved with him, he's the one I told you about that broke out Ward Z using his freaky powers."

"Domino, like what the restaurant?"

The remark went un-noticed by people as everyone looked either uneasy or disbelieving at Frostbite's words, while awe was plastered on a few people's faces, but a new voice came from the door.

"This sugarplum can't be from Ward Z, he's too innocent. What you doing in a place like this?" A red and black masked man walked in ands stole a seat right infront of where the stand-off was happening.

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