She's My Twin, Not your Toy.

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An alert was forwarded to the Avengers, who were currently watching a movie on the couch, from FRIDAY.

"Peter, there is a contact named 'MyWorld' currently ringing you. Would you like me to accept?"

Peter's eyebrows furrowed "Yes please FRI."

A girl's voice was muffled over the sound of cars honking and rain outside "Peter I need somewhere to stay."

"Why?" Peter asked, looking conflicted

"I broke a vase and they- WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU FAT CUNT!" The girl screamed, scaring the team but Peter sat there with a sense of normality. A car horn blared through the speakers. "I broke a vase and they kicked me out."

"Just come up to floor 85, that's where we all are right now. You can stay on my floor." Peter suggested, and it was silent for a while.

"Sure that sounds great but what about- FUCK YOU!"
A deeper gruff voice come through "SHUT UP YOU PRISSY BITCH"
Grunts and a Yelp come through before the girl spoke up again.
"Sorry, too many asshats in the street, but what about security issues?"

"Don't worry about them, FRIDAY will let you up, we share DNA."

"Ok, well I'll see you soon." A tone cut off and the Avengers watched Peter waiting for answers but never got one as he sighed and put his head in his hands.

"Team, there is a woman coming up the elevator with similar DNA to Mr. Parker."

Peter stood up and went to the front of the elevator with his arms crossed, looking like an angry dad.

The doors opened and out stepped a disheveled girl, looking like an exact replica of Peter with some changes, her eyes were green, not brown and her hair was straight, reaching down past her shoulders. As soon as she saw Peter she sighed and leant against the wall, finally acknowledging the heroes. She stared wide eyed at them, like Peter had when he met them, but Peter snapped a finger in-front of her face.

"Eyes over here." Peter commanded and she sighed again.

"I'm sorry, ok?"

"No, not damn 'ok.' What did you do, the Wilkinsons would never just throw you out for breaking a vase."

"Bitchy insulted me so I pushed her down the stairs." She looked down and Peter's eyes widened.

"Jesus fuck Ruby what were you thinking!" Peter half-shouted, trying to keep his cool, before taking a deep breath and pulling her in for a hug, the girl happily melted into it.
"Come on, let's get you settled in."
He lead her back to the elevator and the doors shut, leaving the team thoroughly confused.

It was a few weeks after the girl moved in, and the team learnt a few things about the girl. She is Ruby May Parker, she's 15 and Peter's twin. They got separated when they went into foster care, but still kept in touch.

After the first few days of moving in, Peter noticed that Ruby was straying away from him, and she was even limping one morning, but blamed it on sleeping funny. This became more repetitive until one day, Peter walked into Steve and Loki's floor (Stoky?) to get cooking ingredients, he heard muffled screaming and sobbing. He walked over to the master bedroom and heard a faint conversation.

/// TW ///

"Shut it girl, if your brother ever finds out, we might have to try something more harsh." Loki's voice was gruff, and Steve let out a grunt followed by Ruby's whimper.

Her pleading broke Peter's heart "Please let me go, I won't tell him I swear, it was just a threat, I just wanted you to stop. Please let me go!"

She begged, and an ear-splitting scream rang through the door, followed by the sound of a flogger hitting skin and whimpers.

Peter had enough, he burst through the room to see Ruby tied to the bed with underwear stuffed in her mouth, Loki underneath her thrusting upwards, and Steve ramming into her ass while choking her to stifle the sobs. She turned to look at the door, and Peter could see the tears streaming down her face, as well as the bright red marks on her neck and body.

Steve and Loki immediately pulled away, pulling up their trousers, and were left like a deer in headlights.

///TW END- still mentions after this point ///

Peter grabbed both of them by the neck and threw them through the wall, into the small living area.
He got on top of Loki and started punching him in the face over and over again before Steve tried to get him to stop.

In the Avengers common room, everyone else was either playing card games or watching TV, with Stephen reading a book and Natasha listening to music.

"Sir, there seems to be a disturbance on Steve and Loki's floor including Mr. Parker."

The team halted and FRIDAY pulled up the live camera recording to see Peter beating the crap out of Steve while Loki laid there unconscious, his head bleeding into the cream rug.

Once the team got down there, they were met with Steve and Loki tied up back to back by the waist while chains ran from their wrists to the ceiling, both still knocked out, but also sporting boners through their jeans. Peter stood in the doorway, holding a crying Ruby, who still had a pink mark on her cheek while only being covered by a dressing gown.

"What the hell happened down here?" Natasha's voice quivered slightly under Peter's glare when his head snapped round.

"Why don't you ask the assholes themselves when they wake up?" He snapped back, making everyone back off cautiously, as if on cue, the pair started to wake up and they swung from the ceiling as Loki jolted awake, before Steve steadied the pair with his toes against the cold floor.

Peter growled darkly and all heads snapped to him. "You don't like it now do you?"

Steve and Loki both shook their heads quickly but Peter pressed a button on the wall, making the chains lift up higher, so that their toes couldn't touch the ground anymore. "Answer me." The teen's voice was dark, and no-one had seen him like that before, except Ruby.

"Peter stop. You're doing the same thing you did with Aunt May's killer and you had nightmares for weeks after shooting him."

"I have the right mind to leave you dangling there." Another button was pressed and they collapsed to the floor. "Have fun explaining why my sister was stripped ass naked tied to your bed while you were raping her to the team, you vile creatures."

Peter grabbed Ruby, picking her up bridal style and walked into the elevator, leaving fuming avengers with 2 tied up, defenceless sex offenders.

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